Breadalbane-Jones Bike Boulevard Pilot

What is a Bicycle Boulevard?

Also known as “slow streets” or “neighbourhood greenways”, bicycle boulevards are low volume streets that offer an opportunity to enhance corridor safety by calming vehicular traffic for people living in the area, including people walking and cycling, while improving the livability of the neighbourhood. 

A bike boulevard uses signage, pavement markings, intersection treatments, speed control and traffic diversion to help create a safe and welcoming street.

What is the Breadalbane-Jones Bike Boulevard Pilot?

Presentation Slides

What Problem(s) is it trying to Solve?

Residents have shared with us concerns about speeding and cut-through traffic from drivers trying to avoid Dundurn on their way to King Street West.

We have also received resident complaints about cars parked illegally at intersections along Breadalbane, impairing sightlines and safety.

Project Scope

Our project limits for this study include Breadalbane, a small section of Jones, as well as Woodbine Avenue between York Boulevard and King Street. 

Next Steps

- Review public and stakeholder comments

- Review and finalize design based on feedback

- pilot implementation in 2022

- ongoing adaptation

Please submit comments by Friday, October 8th via Online form or email:  [email protected]

Questions from the Q&A portion of the presentation

How will parking along the route and side streets be impacted?

The only loss of parking will be one parking spot on Breadalbane, between Hunt Street and King Street.  All the legal parking that is available today, either on Breadalbane or the side streets, will remain.

How many parking spots will be lost due to bump-outs?

None. The planned bump-outs will be limited to spaces where it is presently illegal to park so there will be no loss of parking due to bump-outs. 

Is this meant to replace the Dundurn Street bike lanes?

No.  This project is intended to complement the Dundurn Street bike lanes.  This will provide an opportunity for a more comfortable connection between Breadalbane and Dundurn Street.

Does this mean there will be a bike lane on Breadalbane?

No.  There is no plan for a separated bike lane along Breadalbane, Woodbine or Jones Street.

Can I turn onto Breadalbane from King Street and drive all the way up (north) on Breadalbane with this plan?


Are bike boulevards allowed in the City of Hamilton?

Bike boulevards are identified in the COVID-19 recovery mobility plan.  Additionally, the Breadalbane pilot is part of the updated City of Hamilton’s Cycling Master Plan that was part of the city’s Transportation Master Plan update.  Extensive public consultation informed both plans. 

The city of Hamilton declared a climate emergency.  Efforts to contain greenhouse gas emissions include creating safe, connected opportunities for residents to move around the city by foot, bike and public transit. 

Hamilton City Council has also unanimously supported the principles of Vision Zero which require us to look out for the best interests of vulnerable road users which include pedestrians and cyclists.  This project is in alignment with the goals and objectives of the Vision Zero commitment. 

How will this impact snow removal?

It will not impact snow removal.  The city of Hamilton will make any adjustments to the snow removal program according to the plans for Breadalbane. 

Are there plans to enable westbound cyclists on York Boulevard to be able to access Woodbine Avenue?

There is a longer-term project set for 2025 aimed at offering a  direct connection to Woodbine from York.  Public consultation will occur when the draft plans are prepared. 

Will Woodbine Avenue be converted to one-way for cars?

Woodbine Avenue will not be changed.  There will be some additional signage and pavement markings for cyclists. 

Is there a possibility of having speed bumps on Breadalbane for calming purposes?

Staff will investigate that possibility. One of the concerns would be making sure they are the right size so that it does not result in a loss of street parking.

Will the speed limits drop?

As part of the city’s Vision Zero, there is a neighbourhood speed reduction program underway where speed limits will be lowered to 40 km/hour and 30 km/hour within school zones.   The Strathcona neighbourhood is scheduled for the full reduction in 2022.

Is it illegal to park in front of city parks, like Toms St. Park?

Yes, under the city’s bylaw there is no parking allowed on streets in front of parks.

What is the duration of the pilot and what are the metrics being used to measure success?

The pilot will cover two of the major cycling seasons.

An evaluation framework has been developed for monitoring the pilot.  Staff have already started to gather the data which includes traffic volumes, speeds and resident experiences.  The community will be surveyed again to gain input once the pilot has been put in place.