City of Hamilton
- Animals and Pets – Licensing and responsible pet ownership. Contact Animal Services at 905-574-3433 to report dogs at large, or injured or dead wild animals.
- Building Permits Search - Find a building permit. Apply for a Permit
- Committee of Adjustment
- City Housing Hamilton
- Garbage and Recycling
- Graffiti Awareness, including Graffiti Reporting Form
- Hamilton Fire Department – There are Fire Safety and Prevention Programs citizens can take advantage of. Please call 905-546-3333 for more information
- Hamilton Street Railway (HSR) - Information line: 905-527-4441
- Municipal Law Enforcement - Investigates by-law violation(s) and takes the necessary measures to ensure it is corrected. Register a By-law Complaint
- Recreation Services
- Rental Housing Licensing Pilot
- Rental Spaces
- Short-term Rentals By-law
- Social Services - Food Banks, Helping Hands, Snow Angels and Affordable Transit Pass
- Streets and Transportation - Parking, streets and sidewalks, snow clearing, pedestrians and cycling safety as well as pay parking tickets online.
- Street Tree Planting Program
- Vacant Buildings Registry
- Water and Sewer Division – City’s Protective Plumbing Program, frozen pipe tips and flooding. Call 905-546-2489 to report any water issues
- Zoning Tool - The interactive site displays zoning, vacant lands, property information, sewer and water main locations, and bus routes
Neighbourhood Groups and Business Areas in Ward 1
- Ainslie Wood Community Association
- Kirkendall Neighbourhood Association
- Strathcona Community Council
Other Resources
- City Kidz
- Hamilton Anti-Racism Resource Centre
- Hamilton Music Collective - An Instrument for Every Child
- Hamilton Regional Indian Centre (HRIC)
- Kids Help Phone
- LGBTQ+ Youth Line
- Ontario Ministry of Education
- Spectrum Hamilton - LGBTQ+ support
Hamilton Police Services
Hamilton Police Services
- Report a non-emergency crime online or call 905-546-4925.
- Review incident reports in the Ward and greater City of Hamilton
- To provide information on a crime Hamilton Crime Stoppers can be reached at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477)
Tips for crime prevention
- Crime Manager, Westown - Sgt. A. Butt (905) 540-6074 or [email protected]
Hamilton Police Services Board
- HPS Board Meetings
- Delegate to Hamilton Police Services Board Meeting
Other Community Links
- Cootes to Escarpment EcoPark
- Friendly Streets Hamilton
- Hamilton Bike Share (SoBi)
- Hamilton Economic Development
- Hamilton Public Library, Locke Branch
- Hamilton Public Library, Westdale Branch
- Hamilton Reads - Hamilton Literacy Council
- McMaster University's Optimal Aging Portal
- New Hope Community Bikes
- Royal Botanical Gardens (RBG)
- Smart Commute - Hamilton Car Share
- Social Planning and Research Council
- The Voice of Older Adults
- St. Matthew's House
- Locke St. Community Fridge
- Strathcona Community Pantry
- McMaster Community Fridge
- Home Standards Project