Barton-Tiffany Outdoor Shelter Update 2

City staff have been working to fulfil the Mayor’s directive (MDI-2024-02) to prepare and install a temporary outdoor shelter site for residents in need.  Regrettably, City staff have shared that there have been some unexpected setbacks due to additional health and safety measures and production delays impacting delivery dates for the microshelters and washroom facilities. As a result, the site is expected to open beginning in mid-January, with a phased-in opening. The remaining outdoor shelter spaces will open soon after.

The site will offer up to 80 total spaces for residents, including couples and those with pets,  with 24/7 wraparound services, such as mental health support, housing resources, essential services and security.  In addition to the outdoor shelter space, the City’s strategy to increase both indoor and outdoor shelter spaces includes adding 192 new temporary shelter beds. Currently, 79 of the 192 new temporary shelter beds are now operational, with 26 beds expected to open imminently. This will increase emergency shelter capacity in Hamilton by 56%.

The City has made progress with the temporary outdoor shelter construction. Key milestones include:

  • Site plans have been approved.
  • Good Shepherd has been confirmed as the operator of the site.
  • Asphalt paving has started in key areas for the buildings and washrooms.
  • Temporary fencing has been installed, and work continues on the permanent fencing around the full perimeter of the temporary outdoor shelter site.
  • Hamilton Water is currently installing the water line.

City staff have shared that there have been some unexpected setbacks due to additional health and safety measures and production delays impacting the delivery date for the microshelters and washroom facilities. As a result, the site is expected to open beginning in mid-January, with a phased-in opening. The remaining outdoor shelter spaces will open soon after.

The municipality recognizes the urgency of this issue, especially with the arrival of winter and colder temperatures. For timely updates and FAQs, see the project website.

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  • Maureen Wilson
    published this page in Ward 1 Updates 2024-12-19 12:41:19 -0500