We need you!
Current City of Hamilton Surveys
City Services & Assets Review
The City of Hamilton is currently conducting a City Services and Asset Review to better measure the services residents receive and how effectively they're delivered. Hearing a range of perspectives will allow staff to ensure future planning of services aligns with residents' needs. Your thoughts, opinions, and satisfaction levels will be used to shape planning, priorities, and strategies for future levels of service.
Currently, there are three surveys underway on Police Services, Waste Management, and Parking Services. Additionally, please consider completing the parking infrastructure mapping tool to provide location-specific comments and help identify issues, challenges, and opportunities. Your feedback is essential!
Survey open from February 13 to March 20, 2023
Renoviction Policy Review
The City’s Housing Services Division is looking for feedback on renovictions in Hamilton. Housing Services is currently evaluating the feasibility of implementing a rental licensing bylaw in Hamilton (similar to New Westminster, British Columbia) to help deal with this issue.
In addition to the public survey, the analysis will include a review of other jurisdictions and consultations with key stakeholders. This survey is geared towards tenants, homeowners and landlords to ensure that we have a fulsome analysis of experiences, knowledge and perceptions of renovictions. Your input will be instrumental in helping the City to better understand and mitigate existing issues.
Surveys open from February 15 to March 5, 2023
Open Data Policy
The city is seeking feedback on its Open Data Policy. The policy seeks to:
- Provide an overview of the City’s Open Data program, including the guiding principles
- Adopt the International Open Data Charter, including Open by Default
- Outline the roles and responsibilities of management staff by which the City of Hamilton data is made available to the public as valuable, machine-readable datasets.
Initiate and promote the practice of sharing and publishing data openly by educating the staff and public on the following:
- The benefits of open data
- The process to make datasets available on the Open Data Portal.
- Utilizing the tools available on the portal to interpret the datasets
- Remove barriers and set rules by which City data is made available to the public.
- Promote the graphic visualization of datasets through the Open Data Portal and through other data visualization tools used by the City.
Surveys open from February 13 to February 28, 2023