COVID-19 City of Hamilton Response 

COVID-19 City of Hamilton Response 

With cases of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) emerging locally, the City has initiated its Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) at a Level II activation.

The role of the EOC is to coordinate a response to any type of emergency. The EOC provides support and resources to the emergency and ensures continuity of City services.

The EOC is closely monitoring and responding to the rapidly evolving situation to ensure the City is providing the best support possible to the community as we work together to find our way through this challenging time.

Council has been kept informed by EOC staff throughout the last couple days on some crucial decisions for our residents. This an ever-changing situation with significant changes happening. To stay informed on these changes, please visit for more information or call Public Health Services' COVID-19 Hotline (905) 546-2424 ext. 7970 or email:  [email protected]

I am thankful for the City's public health, health care and first responders' teams as well as the city staff who have been working very long hours in their service to Hamilton's Emergency Operations Centre.  

The Ward 1 staff and I will be able to answer email and respond to voice mail. Do not hesitate to reach out with questions or concerns.

Let us care for one another and be particularly mindful of our most vulnerable neighbours who may not have the might or means to access the necessities.  Let us seek solace in places of light and take comfort in helping one another through this challenging time.

Maureen Wilson
