FirstOntario Vaccination Clinic Added to Clinic Locations & 75+ can now register



Vaccine Booking

  • Everything you need to know about booking an appointment 
  • Open clinics include FirstOntario Centre, St Joe's West 5th campus, and selected Hamilton Health Sciences locations. 


  • Everything you want to know about the vaccines

Provincial Vaccine Plan

Three locations

  • FirstOntario Centre, St Joseph's Healthcare West 5th campus, and Hamilton Health Science Wellington St N building.

Closest Ward 1 Location

FirstOntario Information:

When will the FirstOntario Centre large scale vaccine centre open?

  • Beginning this Monday, March 22, 2021, a large-scale COVID-19 vaccination clinic will launch at FirstOntario Centre in downtown Hamilton.  Vaccinations are available on a by-appointment-only basis.  There will be no option for walk-ins

What are the hours of operation for the clinic?

  • 9:00 AM–1:30 PM and 3:30 PM–8 :00 PM, 7 days / week.

Do I have to pay for the vaccine?

  • The vaccine is free. You will not be asked for your Social Insurance number or credit card number over the phone.

How do I get to the FirstOntario vaccine clinic?

  • FirstOntario Centre is located at 101 Bay Street North, Hamilton. The doors are located on the Bay St side of the building. It used to be called Copps Coliseum

Public Transit

To find an HSR bus route use the trip planner  


  • Transportation for seniors and disabled will be provided free of charge through DARTS and Trans-Cab and is booked through the hotline (905) 529-1717 or see DARTS website

Cycling Routes


Will parking be free?

  • Yes. There is a parking validation process. Anyone with an appointment can park at the York Boulevard Parkade (28 York Blvd, Lot 68) and take their parking ticket which will be validated by the clinic during the check-out process.
  • Limited special need drop-off and parking in front of the FirstOntario Centre

General Questions:

Can I arrive early?

  • Arrive as close to your scheduled appointment time as possible.  Do not arrive any earlier than 10 minutes before.

May I bring a support person?

  • Yes, if you need assistance, a support person may accompany you to the appointment

What about accessibility?

  • The clinic is on two floors, the initial screening area is on the main floor. The clinic is in the lower level.  An elevator is available. Maximum occupancy within the elevator is two people.
  • Staff floaters will be on hand to assist with direction or one-on-one support

Will there be language assistance for ESL residents?

  • Staff in each shift are fluent in multiple languages. Additional signage is also being prepared.

What if I require privacy for personal or cultural reasons?

  • Two private areas are available to support those who require sensitivity for personal or cultural reasons.

Can I receive the vaccine during my Ramadan fast?

  • Yes, you can receive the vaccine. Let the clinical staff know that you are fasting. You will be asked to stay in the rest area longer.
  • If you are still uncertain, please check with your local spiritual leader for guidance.

Will my family physician receive notice of my vaccination?

  • No. The current system does not share information across platforms.  Take your final vaccine “receipt” to your doctor’s office on your next visit or contact their office for alternative ways to update your medical records

Quick FirstOntario Centre Vaccine Clinic Facts

Number of staff working in the clinic at once if at full complement?

  • Approximately 100 staff at full complement (will scale based on vaccine supply and allotment).

Which organizations make up the staff complement?

  • Non-clinical staff are City of Hamilton employees
  • Clinical staff will be a combination of Hamilton Public Health Services employees, Hamilton Paramedic Services employees and community physicians.

Number of doses that can be administered at once if we have full staff complement?

  • Potential for 28 vaccination stations (will scale based on vaccine supply and allotment).

Total number of vaccination stations?

  • Potential for 28 vaccination stations (will scale based on vaccine supply and allotment).

Number of doses that can be administered per day at full complement?

  • Approximately 3,000 doses per day at full complement (will scale based on vaccine supply and allotment).

How many days did it take to set the clinic up?

  • Three days to set-up the bulk of the clinic, however there has been on-going set-up for a couple weeks.

Was it just City staff, or were there volunteers helping as well?

  • City of Hamilton and FirstOntario staff were involved in helping to set-up the clinic.

Number of square feet the clinic takes up?

  • Approximately 60,000 square feet.

Number of appointment spots we have open for March 22?

  • 700 appointments per day for the week of March 22-26