H.A.A.A. Renewal Plan - Initial Online Meeting

The City of Hamilton is co-hosting a Public Information Centre (PIC) with the Ward 1 office to launch the Hamilton Amateur Athletic Association Grounds (H.A.A.A.) Renewal Plan project.

H.A.A.A. is a 7-acre community park located within the Kirkendall Neighborhood of Ward 1 at 250 Charlton Avenue West, just east of Locke Street. It’s home to the Hamilton Tennis Club along its northern edge and abuts Ryerson Recreation Centre and Ryerson Middle School on its east side, with private properties backing onto the park’s westerly limits.

The City of Hamilton’s Landscape Architectural Services (LAS) is beginning a park Renewal Plan for the HAAA Grounds as the current amenities within the park are nearing the end of their service life. City staff will be looking to replace these amenities in the coming years as part of the park’s Renewal Plan. The project goal is to develop an overall concept plan of the park that will be used to coordinate future upgrades and changes, in a phased multi-year approach.

Please join us virtually at one of the following sessions as we launch this exciting project.

These events will be co-hosted with the Ward 1 office virtually through Zoom, and each session will present similar information. You can join us via computer, landline, or cell phone. The software app is free and a camera is not required. For more information please visit www.Hamilton.ca/HAAARenewal for more information or call Wes Kindree (905) 546-2424 x2347.



Zoom is an online platform that allows users to participate in meetings. The Zoom app is free and available for computer, tablet or phone.  If you would like to test out your connection prior to the meeting please contact the Ward 1 office at [email protected] or call 905-546-2416.