During the course of the H.A.A.A. Park renewal consultation, many residents lamented the lack of access to the building and asked how the fieldhouse could become more of a vital public building to the neighbourhood of Kirkendall and better integrated with the overall park renewal (See H.A.A.A. Park Renewal)
The H.A.A.A. Field House feasibility project aims to provide an accessible, multi-purpose space for community use and programming opportunities. Feedback from community members and key stakeholders will help inform the project by identifying building improvements and additional features within the existing building.
The H.A.A.A. Fieldhouse is a 5,356 sq/ft building located at 250 Charlton Ave W, at the south end of the Hamilton Amateur Athletics Association park. Designed in 1930 by Hamilton architect Stewart McPhie, and constructed in 1944, the fieldhouse was initially designed to host two locker rooms, a second-floor office, storage and washrooms.
Please complete the survey by February 13, 2022, in order to share your ideas for the H.A.A.A. Fieldhouse project.