2020-03-23 Ward 1 Newsletter

  • COVID-19 impacts to waste collection update
  • COVID-19 Online Town Hall
  • Additional City updates
  • COVID-19 information from the City of Hamilton

Dear Ward 1 Neighbours

Waste Collection Update

Ward 1 residents expecting pick-up today (Monday) are being asked to please store your waste overnight and place it at the curb (again) tomorrow.

The city's Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) was not able to resolve some outstanding health and safety issues with the Union representing front line workers. Those discussions are continuing. 

The city must do its due diligence to ensure the health and safety of all front line workers, particularly at this time. If a worker gets infected, then the virus will just keep spreading and that is not in anyone’s interest.

All councillors were advised of this situation this afternoon. My apologies for the inconvenience this has caused you and your neighbours. 

Keeping Collectors Healthy

As the City of Hamilton works with its frontline workers to institute protocols for collection as part of the COVID-19 response, residents are asked to help protect crews on the job by:

  • Place used tissues and napkins in the garbage, rather than the green bin.
  • Please use liner bags (either paper or certified compostable plastic) in the green bin.
  • Please ensure that all material placed in garbage bins is bagged, not kept loose
  • Please follow the advice of Public Health and keep a physical social distance of at least two metres from waste collection staff.

These steps will help protect the health of crews who handle thousands of bins, bags and boxes each week.

Further Waste Updates

Leaf and Yard waste suspended beginning Tuesday, March 24, 2020

The City will suspend curbside pick up of leaf and yard waste until further notice. Residents are directed to either hold on to their leaf and yard waste or take it to one of the Community Recycling Centres.

COVID-19 Online Town Hall

Wednesday, March 25, 2020 at 7:00 PM the City of Hamilton will host an online town hall to discuss COVID-19 and the City's response.

Follow along via YouTube http://www.youtube.com/insidecityofhamilton

Submit questions 

Additional Updates

Please refer to the City of Hamilton's New Centre for the most recent and accurate updated information.

  • HSR essential travel only
  • Vulnerable populations
  • Parking 
  • Playgrounds Closed

COVID-19 Information from the City of Hamilton

Follow along with Ward 1 for timely updates via