- Caremongering - community support network
- City of Hamilton Coronavirus information
- City of Hamilton COVID-19 media updates
- Weekly Virtual Town Hall
- City Initiatives - Economic recovery
- Business continuity & recovery information
Dear Ward 1 Neighbours
The vast majority of Hamiltonians have come together by staying apart. The practice of self-isolation and physical distancing of 2 metres (6 feet) are making a difference. Thank you for heeding the advice of Public Health. Please continue to follow the advised protocols.
We have watched as communities have worked collaboratively to assist those who are not in a position to stock up on resources or access basic needs because of additional challenges. Neighbours are reaching out to neighbours through phone calls and social media, and wider communities who have mobilised overnight to serve vulnerable populations.
Caremongering Hamilton is an example of that quick mobilisation. It is a grassroots group lead by the Disability Justice Network of Ontario and Hamilton Student Mobilization Network. The goal is to help those with economic, social, health and mobility challenges as measures to stop the spread of the coronavirus. The group operates through Facebook and welcomes those in need and those who can volunteer or financially support the work. See the about section on their Facebook account or read them in The Spec, CBC Hamilton and the Washington Post.
To those essential workers in healthcare, grocery, waste collection, logistics, and so many others - thank you seems too small a word for the depth of gratitude we all feel towards each of you, none-the-less, THANK YOU!
Wishing you all health and safety.
Maureen Wilson & the Ward 1 Office Staff
Below you will find links to information provided by the City of Hamilton's public services. The City's website is the best source of Public Health and up-to-date information for residents.
City of Hamilton Coronavirus Information Site
- Public Health COVID-19 contact details: Hotline: 905-974-9848 Email: [email protected]
- Status of Cases
- Assessment Centres
- Take a self-assessment
- City operations & service Information
- Financial support & recovery
- Additional questions and answers
City of Hamilton COVID-19 Media Updates
- March 27 - Support from other levels of government, ongoing closures, S.E.A.T, Farmers Market, recreation programming
- March 27 - City initiative on economic recovery
- March 26 - Parking enforcement, Golf Courses, pedestrian crossing signals
- March 24 - Mandatory closure of all non-essential workplaces, emergency childcare for essential frontline workers, escarpment stairs, dog parks and trails, Albion Falls, leaf and yard waste suspended, development approvals, transit update - PRESTO - DARTS, parking changes Hamilton Conservation Authority
- March 23 - HSR essential travel only, waste collection changes, playground structures closed, parking changes, supporting vulnerable residents
- More ...
Press conference videos
Weekly Virtual Townhalls
Live Stream:
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City initiatives focus on economic recovery for Hamilton’s business community
City Council has directed staff to review opportunities for relief from some municipal taxes and fees, and staff will be reporting back to Council with options in early April. See more information here.
COVID-19 Business Continuity & Recovery Information
The City of Hamilton in partnership with Hamilton Economic Development, the Hamilton Chamber of Commerce, and the Flamborough and Stoney Creek Chambers of Commerce are closely monitoring and assessing new developments pertaining to COVID-19, as well as its impacts on Hamilton business. They have launched a shared website to assist businesses to stay on top on information as it is released from various levels of government.
Follow along with Ward 1 for timely updates via
- Email: [email protected]
- Tel: 905-546-2416