- Online event: Strong Towns conversation and Q&A
- Locke Street Reconstruction Update
- Events:
- Citywide notices
- City of Hamilton Announces Small Reopening of Public Spaces Effective May 9
- Trails and parks information
- Reminders
- COVID-19 City of Hamilton Resources (Public Health; Media updates; Affected city services; Financial supports)
Ward 1 Virtual Cafe Book Club Edition
June 9, 2020; 8:00 PM; Via Zoom - Registration in advance required
Strong Towns: A Bottom-Up Revolution to Build American Prosperity is a book of forward-thinking ideas that breaks with modern wisdom to present a new vision of urban development in the United States. Presenting the foundational concepts of the Strong Towns movement he co-founded, Charles Marohn explains why cities of all sizes continue to struggle to meet their basic needs. He reveals the new paradigm that can solve this longstanding problem.
Read the book, then join Maureen in conversation with the author Charles Marohn. After Maureen and Charles' discussion, you will have an opportunity to ask Charles your questions. Charles Marohn is the Founder and President of Strong Towns. He is a professional engineer and land use planner with two decades of experience. He holds a bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering and a Master of Urban and Regional Planning, both from the University of Minnesota. Marohn is also the lead author of Thoughts on Building Strong Towns — Volume 1, Volume 2 and Volume 3 — as well as the author of A World Class Transportation System. He hosts the Strong Towns Podcast and is a primary writer for Strong Towns' web content. He has presented Strong Towns concepts in hundreds of cities and towns across North America. He is featured in the documentary film Owned: A Tale of Two Americans and was named one of the 10 Most Influential Urbanists of all time by Planetizen.
The Hamilton Public Library has several e-copies of the book and an audio copy. If you're able, may we encourage you to support your local independent booksellers by ordering a copy through King West Books (Westdale) or Epic Books (Kirkendall)?
Locke Street Reconstruction Update
- The City will complete the final intersection improvements at Locke and Stanley Ave the week of May 11. (The bollard
- They are installing two bump-outs on the east side of Stanley
- Magnolia Walks - Self-guided tours
- The 11th Annual West Hamilton Artist Tour Online Art Exhibition; May 1 to 31, 2020; Online-only this year. Instead of the 2-day tour, WHAT opened it up as a month-long virtual show -
- Sourdough Project - 100in1 Days Hamilton; Beginning May 8 for 30 days. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram
- Virtual Council Meeting; May 13, 2020, at 9:30 AM. The live video is accessible via the City's meeting and agenda website or Agenda
- 354 King Street West Development - Online Community Open House; May 14, 2020, at 6:00–8:00 PM; Via Zoom - Registration is required
Development Applications
Information on current large scale development applications is available through our website. Included is the name of the City Planner to whom a resident may submit their comments and questions. See also the City's Development Application Map
The City of Hamilton Announces Small Reopening of Public Spaces Effective May 9,
- Hamilton Conservation Authority (HCA) rail trails. Please note the Rail Trail is the ONLY part of the Dundas Valley Conservation Area that is openAll amenities will remain closed. There is no vehicle access to conservation areas at this time.
City Parks – The City of Hamilton, in close consultation with the Medical Officer of Health, is providing more opportunities for individuals and families to get outside while still complying with public health guidance and Provincial Emergency Orders. Playground equipment, picnic benches, sports fields and other park equipment remain closed under the Provincial Emergency Orders. Escarpment stairs remain closed, as well as Albion Falls. Examples of activities that are permitted in Hamilton's parks in groups of up to five people or members from the same household include:
- Playing catch, kicking a ball,
- Letting young kids run around
- Walking or running on a track within a park
- Having a picnic or playing on the grass, your own lawn chair or a blanket
- Personal yoga practise (not a group class)
- Kite flying
- Personal fitness (push-ups, sprinting, lunges, etc.)
- Waterfront Trail – The Waterfront Trail between Confederation Park and the Burlington Lift Bridge has reopened. For clarity, the Waterfront Trail between Princess Point and the bridge at the Desjardins Canal is currently closed between 7 AM and 7 PM Monday to Friday to accommodate construction. This work will continue for approximately the next two weeks. During construction, there is no through access between Bayfront Park and Princess Point. The trail is open between Bayfront Park and the bridge at the Desjardins Canal.
- Temporary Leaf and Yard Waste collection program - Ward May 1 11 & 25, June 8 & 22
- Cancellation of Victoria Day fireworks display. Each year the City of Hamilton and Dundas Valley Rotary Club Sunrise co-produce a Victoria Day celebration and fireworks display in the Dundas Driving Park. The City has decided to cancel the event this year, initially scheduled for Sunday, May 17, 2020, due to the COVID-19 emergency.
COVID-19 City of Hamilton Resources
City of Hamilton COVID-19 Media Updates
Monday & Friday virtual media updates on Mondays and Fridays at 3:30 PM
- May 8 - Hamilton Conservation Authority trails, Waterfront Trail, City parks, Development Approvals
- May 4 - Community Gardens, City-run events and SEAT event cancellation, Mental Health Week, City Flower beds and traffic islands, transit reminders
- May 1 - Fireworks ban, Economic Recovery Task Force, Community gardens, Library PPE content, City-run events and SEAT event cancellation,
Affected City Services
Financial Support & Recovery
- Financial supports for individuals
- Supports for Property Tax Payers
- Funding for Social Service Providers and Community Organizations
- Business Continuity & Recovery Information
- Economic Recovery Task Force. Council approved the establishment of an economic recovery task force related to the COVID-19 emergency. To begin, staff will develop and report back to Council with terms of reference for the task force, which will help position the City for long term economic recovery following the COVID-19 pandemic. The task force will be made up of representatives from local business, labour, industry and the academic community.
- Email: [email protected]
- Tel: 905-546-2416