- Hamilton Urban Boundary Survey - Ward 1 Online Discussion
- Hamilton Truck Route Master Plan - Online Presentation
- Alexander Park Future Improvements
- H.A.A.A. Park Renewal Initial Concepts
- Hydrant Flushing
- Monarch Awards
- Pollinator Week
- HARRC Executive Director Search
- City's Investment in Housing
- Kirkendall Food Drive
- Youth-Led Food Drive
- Provincial Rabies Control in Ward 1
A survey is coming; a survey is coming! What survey? The How Should Hamilton Grow Survey
Join us on June 24 at 7:30 PM for an online opportunity to learn why residents are being surveyed and what the options mean for Hamilton. Registration is required.
In June, every Hamilton household will receive a survey from the City of Hamilton on the future of Hamilton’s urban boundary. The city is calculating how best to plan for 236,000 new residents to the year 2051. It is an important topic with significant financial, environmental, social and health impacts for existing and future residents. Hamiltonians will have until early July to submit their survey responses.
A Ward 1 public information meeting will be held to offer residents:
- information on this survey;
- the city of Hamilton’s urban boundary review process;
- the implications for rural and agricultural lands;
- the Government of Ontario’s directives; and
- the options on how to best accommodate more housing to meet population forecasts
More information about GRIDS 2 and Municipal Comprehensive Review
Hamilton Truck Route Master Plan Review - Virtual Public Meeting
The City of Hamilton has been conducting the Truck Route Master Plan Review study. The study explores opportunities to advance the safe and efficient passage of trucks in Hamilton, to support economic activities and the movement of goods while balancing the needs of residents and communities. The master plan will recommend an updated truck route network and will outline supporting policies and strategies.
Virtual Public Information Centre #2
At this event, staff will update you on the study and get your input on the draft recommended truck route network.
- Date: Thursday, June 24, 2021
- Time: 6 to 8 pm
- To register your attendance and submit questions in advance, visit
This event will be held virtually to protect the health and safety of Hamilton residents and our staff.
Alexander Park Future Improvements - Presentation & Video
On June 8, City staff joined Ainslie Wood residents to present and take questions on future improvements to Alexander Park. Two game-changing improvements are planned for the coming two years.
The first, a community hub. Taking a play from other parks, like Mahoney, and Eastmount, the City of Hamilton is taking the existing field house and turning it into a multi-purpose community hub. As previously mentioned and others, hubs boast a kids club, EarlyON program, dance/drama group, adult programming, seniors clubs and exercise programs, and community rentals.
In this early phase of the project, the Recreation Division will distribute a survey to all Ainslie Wood residents. The survey looks to identify the type of programming in which the community would seek to participate. Look for a survey in your mail in the next month.
The second initiative is a community skate park. The City's Skate Park Study identified a need for a Hamilton West and Dundas location. Alexander Park rose to the top of the options. It is a perfect location to entice novice or expert skaters and add additional vitality to the park.
A skate park working group is in the process of organizing under the project manager, Ken Wheaton. Check out the skate park website for greater detail and contact information.
Take a moment to watch the video presentation for the hub and the skate park.
H.A.A.A. Renewal Plan Initial Concept Presentation
As part of the Renewal Plan Process, the project team prepared two concepts titled A and B, which were presented to the community at two online public meetings hosted by Ward 1. Over one hundred residents registered to attend the presentations, with 77 questions and comments answered or received.
We are looking for your feedback on what you like, don't like, what you feel is missing and general comments on the concepts. The project team will review this feedback and use that to help shape the final “preferred concept” that will be used to implement the Renewal Plan in a multi-year phased approach. We anticipate the final “preferred concept” will be a hybrid of Concept A and B, but that will be determined by the feedback we receive in the coming weeks.
The opportunity for all residents to watch the recorded presentation and review the concepts continues through
Hydrant flushing currently being completed in Ward 1
Every year Hamilton Water performs maintenance on approximately 5000 hydrants throughout the City. This work is done to ensure public safety by ensuring enough water flow in the event of a fire. Hamilton Water is currently completing annual maintenance on the fire hydrants in Ward 1. This involves a City contractor flowing water through each hydrant. During this maintenance, nearby properties may experience temporary discoloured water. The temporary discoloured water is normal during hydrant flushing and is not a water quality issue. To eliminate discoloured water, once the work is completed, go to a basement sink or laundry tub and run the COLD water tap for 5 to 10 minutes until the water runs clear. Please DO NOT use the hot water during this time as it can pull the discoloured water into your hot water tank.
Hamilton’s Monarch Awards - deadline June 20, 2021
The Monarch Awards recognises gardens and gardeners for their contribution to a biodiverse, sustainable environment. The awards are a standard of excellence for gardeners making a difference for pollinators and biodiversity. An award-winning garden is more than just beautiful plants - it is an ecosystem. The deadline is June 20th - check out the Monarch Awards website for information.
Pollinator Week - June 21-27
In honour of Pollinator Week, the City is sharing tips with residents on how they can support pollinators:
• Choose a variety of native plants, trees and shrubs that bloom at different times of the year, so there’s always nectar, pollen and habitat available;
• If you don’t have space for a garden, opt for a potted native plant such as butterfly milkweed to support the monarch butterfly;
• Add a water feeder to your garden to attract pollinators. Water feeders attract pollinators and other beneficial insects such as ladybugs that help remove invasive pests such as aphids.
• Use natural fertilizers like compost or shredded leaves instead of synthetic fertilizers.
• Instead of removing them, keep leaves, twigs and stems in your garden at the end of the gardening season – these create crucial overwintering habitats for pollinators.
Also of note. Hamilton was designated as the 39th Bee City in Canada. Visit to learn more.
Recruitment now open for Hamilton Anti-Racism Resource Centre Executive Director
The Hamilton Anti-Racism Resource Centre (HARRC) is seeking an Executive Director to help build the HARRC into an exemplary anti-racism organization.
Passionate leaders with excellent communication, community development, leadership and partnership building skills are encouraged to apply for this opportunity. This new role will build and lead HARRC and report to its board of directors.
The HARRC is committed to fostering a sense of belonging for all Hamilton residents experiencing racism and discrimination.
Those interested in applying may submit a resume and cover letter articulating their interest in the role to [email protected]. Questions may also be directed to the same email.
Recruitment closes on Sunday, June 27, 2021, at 5 p.m.
For more information about HARRC, and the full job description, visit
City approves significant investment in the housing and homelessness system
On June 9, 2021, Hamilton Council approved further interventions in its post-COVID adaptation and transition plan for Hamilton’s housing and homelessness system, which includes a one-time investment of $2 million for housing allowances for clients of City-funded Intensive Case Management (ICM) programs.
This investment will provide 93 individuals or households with housing allowances ensuring housing stability over the next four years. In addition to the continuation of enhanced supports for Hamilton’s homeless-servicing system during COVID-19, including isolation services for people experiencing homelessness, and the continuation of funding for enhanced, drop-in services for local agencies.
The investments will enable the City to continue to work collectively with a wide range of community partners to address the immediate needs of unsheltered and unhoused Hamiltonians while addressing long-term strategies for permanent housing and supports. Through this, the system is better resourced over time to adequately support the transition away from expanded emergency measures created due to the COVID-19 pandemic to a more responsive, resilient, sustainable and housing-focused homeless-serving system.
This investment builds on the City’s strategic goals to address housing and homelessness challenges throughout the city in alignment with Hamilton’s 10-year Housing & Homelessness Action Plan (pdf). The City will continue exploring and implementing strategies to improve housing affordability and meet unmet housing needs through Hamilton’s 10-year Housing and Homelessness Action Plan. In addition, it will continue to maximize all opportunities available and advance several initiatives underway to support the housing needs of vulnerable community members.
The Kirkendall Neighbourhood Association Fill a Van Feed a Family Food Drive is Back!
Saturday, July 10, 2021, 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM Curbside drop-off at Blessings Church @ Stanley and Locke. Visit the KNA Food Drive website for more information.
Email [email protected] if you would like a food collection bag delivered to your residence between June 25th and June 30th
2nd Annual Youth-Led Hamilton Community Food Drive
On Saturday, June 26 1-4 PM, Hamilton students will collect non-perishable food items for Hamilton Food Share in the Ainslie Wood and Westdale. Keep your eyes out for the reminder notices and if you're able, leave your items on your front porch or doorstep for contactless pick-up. The following items are most needed: meat soups and stews, canned fish, canned beans, nuts and seeds, pasta and pasta sauce, hot and cold breakfast cereals, canned fruits and vegetables, granola bars, canned or powdered milk, and peanut butter. For more information, contact [email protected].
Provincial Rabies Control in Ward 1
In 2021, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) will conduct Oral Rabies Vaccine bait distribution and trap-vaccinate-release programs in parts of Ontario beginning June 28 and continuing until the end of October. In Ward 1, this will consist of urban hand baiting, including temporary bait stations.
MNRF rabies control operations are essential to public health and the health of wildlife. With the current COVID-19 outbreak, additional health and safety measures have been put into place using the best available information from Public Health Ontario to deliver this program safely and minimize risks to staff, the public, and wildlife. The ministry will continue to re-evaluate as the response to the COVID-19 outbreak continues.
In addition, MNRF may conduct localized rapid response baiting and trap-vaccinate-release measures, which would occur in the event of a raccoon or fox strain rabies case outside of the planned baiting area.
The ministry is committed to the research, surveillance, control and elimination of the outbreak of rabies in southwestern Ontario to prevent the disease from spreading. Since the start of the rabies outbreak in 2015, the first of its kind in over a decade, MNRF has taken quick action to protect communities, distributing over six million vaccine baits by air and ground. Rabies cases have decreased by about 50% each year since 2016, and there was a 70 per cent decrease in the number of rabies cases in 2020 from 2019.
In keeping with current World Health Organization guidelines, the 2021 rabies control zone has been reduced as some areas have had no reported cases in over two years. The control zone encompasses an area within 50 km of positive cases less than years old (positive cases since July 1, 2019).
Any warm-blooded mammal can contract rabies. If a human contracts rabies and does not receive treatment, the disease is fatal.
The khaki-green coloured bait (pdf) distributed by hand is made of wax-fat with an attractant flavour (vanilla-sugar). A label with a toll-free telephone number (1-888-574-6656) and the message “Do not eat” is located on the exterior of the bait, and a plastic package containing the liquid rabies vaccine is embedded in the centre. If found, the bait should not be touched but left for raccoons, skunks and foxes to consume.
Ontario’s rabies vaccine baits have been tested to ensure they are safe for wildlife, people and pets. However, eating a vaccine bait does not replace the regular rabies vaccination provided by a veterinarian for your pet. If your pet has eaten a bait and you are concerned, contact your vet as a precaution.
Ontario’s rabies control program is a joint effort that receives important input and contributions from various partners across the province. Partnerships with provincial ministries, federal agencies, regional health units, municipalities, wildlife rehabilitators, licensed trappers, wildlife control agents and Indigenous communities are all key to the continued success of Ontario’s rabies control program.
For further information about rabies in Ontario, please visit or contact MNRF’s rabies information line at 1-888-574-6656.
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Follow along for timely Ward 1 Updates via
- Email: [email protected]
- Tel: 905-546-2416
The City of Hamilton is situated upon the traditional territories of the Erie, Neutral, Huron-Wendat, Haudenosaunee and Mississaugas. This land is covered by the Dish With One Spoon Wampum Belt Covenant, which was an agreement between the Haudenosaunee and Anishinaabek to share and care for the resources around the Great Lakes. We further acknowledge that this land is covered by the Between the Lakes Purchase, 1792, between the Crown and the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation.
Today, the City of Hamilton is home to many Indigenous people from across Turtle Island (North America), and we recognise that we must do more to learn about the rich history of this land so that we can better understand our roles as residents, neighbours, partners and caretakers.