This edition of the Ward 1 newsletter includes:
- Market / Queen / Napier Redevelopment Proposal 2 Online Meetings
- Back on Track: Hamilton's LRT Online Meeting with Metrolinx Online Meeting
- Hamilton Light Rail Transit (LRT) Community Benefits Survey
- Ryerson Recreation Two Week Closure for Maintenance.
- Westdale Library Renovations
- City launches Rental Housing Licensing pilot program
- 2021 Drinking Water Systems Annual Water Quality Released
- Family-Friendly Housing
- Reimagining Public Participation
- Hamilton Public Library Hosts Free Tax Filing Services
- West End Urgent Care Centre to reopen to care for urgent needs
- Green Venture Going Ons
- NATURhoods Rebate Program 2022
- Native Plant Club
- Callout: Green Infrastructure in Your Community - Green Venture Speaker Opportunity
- Hold the Date
- Kirkendall Neighbourhood Association Annual General Meeting
- Westdale Reformed Church Community Food Drive
Market / Queen / Napier Redevelopment Proposal
In January, the owner of the lands at 200 Market St / 55 Queen St / 125 Napier submitted a development proposal to the City. Details of the plan may be found here.
The City is in the evaluation of the proposal stage and welcomes comments and questions from residents right up until the statutory public meeting before the Council, the date of which is yet to be determined. The senior planner leading the evaluation is Mark Kehler. Email: [email protected] Phone: 905-546-2424 ext. 4148. Please do not hesitate to reach out to Mr Kehler at your convenience.
In the meantime, two public information meetings have been scheduled, one by neighbours and the second by the developer. Through consultation, both meeting hosts concluded an online meeting would draw the most participants the night of their respective meetings and allow for those unable to attend to review the video at their convenience.
Contact the hosts for a call-in number if you wish to listen by phone.
The Strathcona Shadow Dwellers are holding a virtual public meeting about Vrancor’s proposal for Queen and Napier. I
March 16. 2002 at 7:00 PM. Registration is required.
Contact: Wayne MacPhail. Contact form
- The developer is hosting this session by way of an online webinar to provide information and receive input related to the development vision for the site.
March 22, 2022, at 7:00 PM, Registration is required.
Contact: Brenda Khes, GSP Group Inc. 289-778-1428, [email protected]
Back on Track: Hamilton's LRT Online Meeting with Metrolinx
We have had our ups, downs and ups again, but Hamilton's LRT is back on track.
On April 7, 2022, at 7:00 PM, join Metrolinx staff and Councillor Wilson for the first Ward 1 online meeting to learn about the project's status and next steps.
In May 2021, a joint funding announcement was made by the provincial and federal governments committing $3.4B to the project's capital cost, making the Hamilton LRT one of the largest infrastructure investments in the City’s history.
Hamilton Light Rail Transit (LRT) Community Benefits Survey
The Hamilton Community Benefits Network is looking to gather information on the needs and concerns of the community on the Metrolinx LRT project in Hamilton. With this, we would be able to shape a Community Benefits Agreement between the City of Hamilton and Metrolinx that fits the needs of our communities. Your input could help shape our city!
A link to the survey can be found here.
Ryerson Recreation Two Week Closure for Maintenance
The Ryerson Recreation Centre will have an emergency closure from March 14-April 3, 2022 and will reopen for Spring programs on Monday, April 4, 2022.
Westdale Library Renovations
On Saturday, April 2, 2022, the Westdale Branch closes at 5:00 PM for approximately three (3) months for renovations. The work includes the installation of a new roof, HVAC system, program room flooring and shelving adjustments.
Alternate branches include the Locke St, Dundas and the Central libraries.
City launches Rental Housing Licensing Pilot Program
The City’s two-year Rental Housing Licensing pilot program requires property owners in Wards 1, 8 and parts of Ward 14 to apply for a rental licence for each rented unit annually. In these wards, property owners of rental housing units can begin the rental housing licence application process. A licence is required for every rental property with four or fewer rental units.
Requirements, including the program’s phased-in approach, supporting documents, applicable fees and process, are located on the City’s Rental Housing Licensing pilot program website.
Why is this pilot project only in Wards 1, 8 and part of Ward 14?
The former Rental Housing Sub-Committee received concerns from community members, property owners and students regarding “illegal dwelling units, “absentee landlords”, property standards and yard maintenance complaints. This resulted in the recommendation that Wards 1 and 8 (and now parts of Ward 14) be the focus of a Rental Housing Licensing Pilot Project. Once the evaluation of the pilot program is complete, city staff will provide a report for Council to determine if this program should be implemented citywide.
- In August 2021, Hamilton City Council approved a two-year Rental Housing Licensing pilot program for Wards 1, 8 and parts of Ward 14.
- The 2014-2018 Rental Housing Sub-Committee received concerns from community members, property owners and students regarding “illegal dwelling units, “absentee landlords”, property standards and yard maintenance complaints. This resulted in the recommendation that Wards 1 and 8 (and now parts of Ward 14) be the focus of a Rental Housing Licensing pilot program.
- Once the evaluation of the two-year pilot program is complete, city staff will provide a report for Council with recommendations for the program's future, including the potential for city-wide implementation.
- Cost of the pilot program will be recovered through licensing fees charged to landlords.
The subject of rental housing licensing has been on the public agenda since 2008 and was championed by previous Ward 1 councillors, Brian McHattie (2006-2014) and Aidan Johnson (2014-2018).
This two-year pilot was supported by the McMaster Student Union (MSU), ACORN Hamilton (A tenant organization for low and moderate-income residents across Hamilton), the Ainslie Wood Community Association, the Just Recovery Coalition, and the Ainslie Wood Westdale Neighbourhood Association.
The pilot by-law was supported by ACORN (tenants rights organization), Hamilton's Roundtable for Poverty Reduction, Just Recovery Hamilton Coalition, Mohawk and McMaster Student Union - groups representing residents who most need affordable accommodations. In addition, it was supported by Ainslie Wood Community Association and the Ainslie Wood Westdale Community Association.
Licenses will be granted if rental units fully comply with the Ontario building code, fire code, electrical code, parking requirements, room size & layout & other regulations. The licensing highlights the importance of rental housing and the need for compliance with basic health and safety standards.
2021 Drinking Water Systems Annual Water Quality Released
Hamilton Water's 2021 Drinking Water Systems Annual Water Quality and Summary Report is now available at:
This document provides detailed information on the City’s drinking water systems and is posted for residents by February 28th each year as per provincial requirements.
This information will also be presented at the Public Works Committee meeting on March 21, 2022, as Appendix "A" to Report PW22011 - 2021 Annual Drinking Water Report. Each committee meeting is streamed live through the cities agenda site or via YouTube.
Hamilton Parks Master Plan
Parks are important to our community. The Hamilton Parks Master Plan will guide the long-term planning of new parks and expand and improve access to existing parks across the city.
A Parks Master Plan is a guiding document that helps municipalities plan for and provide parks for residents. It is an important step in considering the development and enhancement of parkland over the short, medium and long term. It also aids in decision-making and helps prioritize investment in parkland across the city.
The City of Hamilton wants to learn about how residents currently use Hamilton’s parks and open spaces, the needs and wishes of park visitors, and the barriers people face to access parkland. Your input and insights will be essential in developing the Master Plan to ensure the principles, policies, and recommendations reflect the lives of Hamiltonians.
The community survey results will be used for this Master Plan only. Results will be used with other inputs to develop recommendations that the City of Hamilton will consider.
Master Plan Park Survey end March 20, 2022
Family-Friendly Housing
The Family-Friendly Housing project is a City of Hamilton initiative that looks at ways to provide and encourage an adequate supply of housing suitable for larger households and families with children. Having enough supply of suitable housing available and designing developments and neighbourhoods in ways that are supportive of families are key factors in ensuring that housing meets the needs of all citizens.
From February to April 2022, staff will engage with the community to obtain feedback on the actions outlined in the discussion paper, Encouraging Family-Friendly Housing in Hamilton. Your input will help develop recommendations on which actions should be pursued further. Future steps will include refining the details of the recommended actions and preparing a strategy for implementation.
To register for either the March 23rd or March 24th public information sessions and take the survey, click through to the project page.
Reimagining Public Participation
Public engagement encourages participation, action and personal responsibility. It also helps identify sustainable solutions and lead more informed decision-making through a wide range of perspectives, experiences and knowledge. By sharing your voice, you are shaping our city and helping to make Hamilton an even better place to live, work and play.
Hamilton Public Library Hosts Free Tax Filing Services
Tax season is upon us. To help make the task of filing your return easier, trained volunteers from the Community Volunteer Income Tax Program are offering a free drop-off or by-appointment service in March and April at Barton, Central, Dundas, Red Hill, Terryberry and Turner Park branches. Available dates, times and locations are listed at
Anyone with a modest income is welcome to use the free filing service.
For greater detail, see HPL's Free Tax Return Filing Services page
West End Urgent Care Centre to reopen to care for urgent needs
Hamilton Health Sciences’ West End Urgent Care Centre (UCC) will reopen on March 24, 2022. The UCC was closed temporarily on January 17 to support COVID efforts across the hospital system. The UCC will be open to care for patients between 12:00 PM and 7:00 PM, seven days a week. No appointments are required.
Green Venture Going Ons
- NATURhoods Rebate Program 2022
The NATURhoods Rebate Program is back for 2022! Didn't get a chance to apply last year? Know someone that wants to slow down and soak up water on their property? The rebate program will launch shortly. Be the first to find out when the workshops and applications are open. Save the date for Design Workshops on March 23 at 6:00 PM and April 2 at 11:00 AM, registration details to follow.
Sign up for Green Venture's mailing list
- Native Plant Club
Help support Green Venture’s work and fundraise for our NATURhoods program. Receive a seasonal box filled with mystery native plants from Ontario Native Plants and a surprise gift from a local eco-conscious business in Hamilton. Reserve your boxes today to be picked up on select dates in 2022 at EcoHouse (22 Veevers Drive, Hamilton).
- Callout: Green Infrastructure in Your Community - Green Venture Speaker Opportunity
We want to get the word out to residents about our incentives and education programs. NATURhoods is more than a rebate program; participants gain access to workshops, RAIN Coach consultations, virtual green infrastructure tours, community demonstration projects and more. That’s where you come in! Would your community group/organization be interested in hosting Green Venture at your next meeting/event?
Contact Program Manager Miranda Burton at [email protected] to set up this free service.
Hold the Date
Kirkendall Neighbourhood Association Annual General Meeting, April 26, 2022, at 7:00 PM. ONLINE. Watch the KNA website and Facebook page for the link.
Westdale Reformed Church Community Food Drive, April 30, 2022, 8:00 AM-2:00 PM, Location: 201 Paradise Rd N. Volunteers will be on hand to accept donations. Please support this worthwhile event!
Signup for the Ward 1 Newsletter email
Follow along for timely Ward 1 Updates via
- Email: [email protected]
- Tel: 905-546-2416
The City of Hamilton is situated upon the traditional territories of the Erie, Neutral, Huron-Wendat, Haudenosaunee and Mississaugas. This land is covered by the Dish With One Spoon Wampum Belt Covenant, which was an agreement between the Haudenosaunee and Anishinaabek to share and care for the resources around the Great Lakes. We further acknowledge that this land is covered by the Between the Lakes Purchase, 1792, between the Crown and the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation.
Today, the City of Hamilton is home to many Indigenous people from across Turtle Island (North America), and we recognize that we must do more to learn about the rich history of this land so that we can better understand our roles as residents, neighbours, partners and caretakers.