- Complete Safe Shared Streets - Online Event and forthcoming policy changes
- 2022 Municipal Election
- Locke Street South Public Art Project
- Chedoke Creek: From Disaster to Recovery Video
- Get Engaged
- Hamilton's Food Strategy
- Parks Master Plan
- Park Winter Washroom Pilot Program
- Free Menstrual Products Survey
- City's Response to Bill 13 and 109
Greener Ward 1
- EcoGoats
- KNA Summer Food Drive SATURDAY JULY 9
- Notices
- Events
Complete Safe Shared Streets
This week teams from Transportation Planning, Roads, Transportation Operations and Maintenance, and Growth Management presented City Council with a manual to operationalize the Complete, Liveable, Better Streets policy that City Council adopted as part of the 2018 Transportation Master Plan.
The Complete Streets Design Manual (CSDM) is a tool that will change the way streets are designed in Hamilton. The complete streets approach is about considering the needs of road users of all ages and abilities and building streets that meet their needs, whether they are walking, cycling, taking transit, driving a private automobile, or delivering goods. The approach prioritizes road safety for everyone and aims to
enhance the public realm and complement the adjacent land uses.
- Read the Complete Street Design Manual
- Review materials and tools used to inform the manual: CLB Streets and CLBS Design Manual Engagement
In addition to the CSDM, the Chief Roads Officer presented the Annual Collision Report and the first steps in Safety Enhancements to Main Street and King Street.
So, what does all the above mean for complete safe shared streets for Ward 1? Councillor Wilson is hosting the directors responsible for delivering the manual and the safety enhancements in an online Q&A taking place on August 10, 2022, at 7:30 PM. All Ward 1 residents are encouraged to join the discussion.
Registration is required. For additional information contact the Ward 1 office: [email protected] or call 905-546-2416
2022 Municipal Election
Hamilton's next municipal election is October 24, 2022. The City has provided more options for voting, including advanced polls and mail-in ballots. To find out if you are eligible to vote and the many options available for voting this time around visit the City's Municipal Election Voters page.
To find out who is running for councillor, mayor and trustee visit the Nominated Candidates page,
Starting July 5, Elections Ambassadors will be visiting different locations around the City during July and August. Drop by and say hi when you see them at a Recreation Centre, Library branch, park or community
Locke Street South Public Art Project
The Locke Street BIA was granted dedicated funds to create a "gateway" to the business district quite some time ago. In 2020 they opted to move from a traditional gateway, which may become dated and fail to reflect the district over time, to having public art become the grand entrance to the Locke Street community.
A citizen jury-selected artists through a two-stage process involving a concept and design proposal, followed by public consultation on selected Artists' detailed proposals.
The Public Art work should be a landmark in keeping with Locke Street's pedestrian character and celebrating the neighbourhood's collaborative and welcoming spirit. The artists were invited to develop a proposal for artwork that will address one or more of the following:
- Reflect and enhance the neighbourhood spirit of local collaboration
- Encourage discovery and interactivity for all ages
- Celebrate the unique natural topography and escarpment green space
The City of Hamilton is seeking your opinion on the four shortlisted submissions for the Locke Street Marker Public Art Project. Be sure to read the artist's statements and participate in the survey. Your opinions will help inform the citizen jury in their final selection of the winning Art Work to be installed.
In case you missed it
Chedoke Creek: From Disaster to Recovery Video
In May, Councillor Wilson hosted an evening dedicated to Chedoke Creek. Staff from Hamilton Water explained the steps leading to the current remediation plan and answered questions from Ward 1 residents.
Closed captioning is available.
Get Engaged
The City of Hamilton is currently hosting the following surveys
Hamilton's Food Strategy
The Food Strategy provides a vision for our community as a city with a sustainable food system where all people at all times have economic and physical access to enough safe, nutritious food to meet their needs.
The Food Strategy outlines a roadmap of actions to achieve these goals based on input from the community and was adopted as a ten-year strategy in 2016. Since we are halfway through this commitment, the Food Advisory Committee is helping to assess the progress towards these official goals. The results of this survey will be summarized in a report that will be submitted to Public Health. Your feedback will help us determine how far we have come, and where we need to focus our efforts between now and 2026.
Parks Master Plan
Phase 2 Survey - Draft Strategic Direction and Action Items
We want to hear from your about whether you support the draft vision, strategic direction, and recommendations to improve the parks system. We also want to know if we've missed anything that you feel is important. Your input will be used to further refine the draft strategic direction and finalize the Master Plan.
The survey will take about 15 minutes to complete.
This survey closes July 11.
Park Winter Washroom Pilot Program
Park washrooms are available for use annually from May until the end of September when they are winterized and closed for the fall and winter seasons. In 2021, Council approved a two-year pilot program making select park washrooms available for use in the fall/winter season, October 1 to May 1, during daylight hours.
- 2021/2022 locations were Alexander Park Field House, Victoria Park Field House
- 2022/2023 added locations to include the Churchill Park Field House, HAAA Field House
We encourage all community members to provide feedback on their experience using park washrooms in year one of the pilot program. \
Free Menstrual Products Survey
The City of Hamilton wants feedback about the menstrual products the Recreation Centres have provided in women's and universal washrooms free to those who need them.
- The survey should take about 10 minutes to complete.
- Your responses will be private and reported as a group and not by individuals.
City's Response to Bill 13 and 109
Ontario's Provincial planning framework is established by the Planning Act. The Planning Act provides municipal governments with the direction and authority to guide development and land use planning through official plans and zoning by-laws and sets out requirements for various types of Planning applications. It requires all municipalities to follow the processes and requirements set out in the Act and its associated regulations.
The Province recently made changes to the Planning Act through Bill 13 and Bill 109. Key changes include:
- Bill 13: Allowing Councils to delegate the authority to pass zoning by-laws that are of a minor nature to a committee of Council or staff.
- Bill 109: Changing the timelines for which a decision must be made on Official Plan Amendment, Zoning Amendment and Site Plan applications, and requiring municipalities to refund application fees if a decision is not made within the required timelines. Changes to application timelines and new refund requirements take effect on January 1, 2023.
Changes to the City's application processes will be needed to address the legislative changes made by Bill 13 and Bill 109. Changes to the City's implementation policies in its Official Plans are also needed to reflect the process changes. Staff are proposing several Official Plan amendments to streamline application processes, including providing greater clarity on materials required for a complete application, updating public meeting notification timelines and permitting the delegation of some types of minor zoning by-law amendments to staff.
The purpose of the changes is to ensure that decisions can be made on applications within the required timelines, to avoid refunds of application fees.
Future work on this project will include the preparation of a Terms of Reference for each type of study, report or plan that may be required as part of a complete application, to provide greater clarity and direction on the required content for these materials. This will ensure that all required information is provided with submitted applications before they are accepted.
Greener Ward 1
Hamilton Naturalists' Club is working with goats to help manage invasive shrubs at its Sheelah Dunn Dooley Nature Sanctuary in Aldershot. Everyone is welcome to visit over the summer to see the goats in action and to help them out. Training and tools! Multiple dates to participate.
Please contact Jen with questions at [email protected].
KNA Summer Food Drive SATURDAY JULY 9
Mark your calendar for the Summer KNA Food Drive in support of Mission Services and Locke Street Community Fridge. Saturday, July 9, 2022. 9:30 AM-12:30 PM. Location: 195 Stanley Ave (Blessings Church)
Drop by Blessings Christian Church to donate to these 2 essential community services
Top items for Locke Street Community Fridge
Milk, Butter, Bread, Cheese, Yogurt, Snacks (for adults and kids), Canned food, Drinks (juice, pop, etc.), Sidekicks
Top summer items for Mission Services
Hygiene Products, Sunscreen, Individual snacks (pudding cups, applesauce, cookies, crackers), Cases of water, juice boxes, Canned goods
For more detail or to make a cash donation see the KNA Food drive page
Recreation Jobs
The City of Hamilton's Recreation department has many employment opportunities, from supies to administrative support. See their job site.
Ageing and Mobility Study Looking for Strathcona Residents 55+ Participation
The EMBOLDEN study: The study team, including researchers, community stakeholders and older-adult citizens, will co-design, implement and evaluate an innovative community-based intervention with the goal of improved physical and community mobility, nutrition, and social participation in older adults.
Researchers at McMaster University are inviting Strathcona residents 55+ to participate in a program about mobility and healthy aging. Contact 905-525-9140 extension 22305 or email [email protected]
Reunited: Hamilton PRIDE Festival. Friday, July 8 1:00 PM to 9:00 PM and Saturday, July 9, 11:00 AM to 7:00 PM. Location: Hamilton Convention Centre
2022 Pride Festival! Featuring shows, vendors and much more!
Sundays unLOCKEd. Sunday, July 17, August 21, & September 18, 2022, 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM. Location: Locke St S (Hunter to Herkimer)
Locke Street will be open for pedestrians and filled with live music, workshops, food, local artisan vendors, and on-street entertainment! July 17 details
Signup for the Ward 1 Newsletter email
Follow along for timely Ward 1 Updates via
- Email: [email protected]
- Tel: 905-546-2416
The City of Hamilton is situated upon the traditional territories of the Erie, Neutral, Huron-Wendat, Haudenosaunee and Mississaugas. This land is covered by the Dish With One Spoon Wampum Belt Covenant, which was an agreement between the Haudenosaunee and Anishinaabek to share and care for the resources around the Great Lakes. We further acknowledge that this land is covered by the Between the Lakes Purchase, 1792, between the Crown and the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation.
Today, the City of Hamilton is home to many Indigenous people from across Turtle Island (North America), and we recognize that we must do more to learn about the rich history of this land so that we can better understand our roles as residents, neighbours, partners and caretakers.