2023-09-22 Ward 1 Newsletter

  • The Rise of Homelessness in Hamilton
  • Sterling Street 2024 Improvement Online Information Session
  • Gender-Based Safety Audit
  • Fake Homecoming in the University District
  • Events

“Why are we seeing such a dramatic increase in the number of people living in encampments?”

That’s a question I get asked regularly by Ward 1 residents. Truth is, there’s no easy answer.

But while housing affordability is an enormously complex topic, why housing is vital for all of us is relatively simple. It’s nearly impossible to complete school, get a job or even live a decent life without a safe, reliable place to sleep. It’s difficult to be healthy and to stay healthy without stable housing.

Like many other cities and towns across Ontario and Canada, Hamilton declared a homelessness crisis. There are signs of it throughout our city that are causing many residents and businesses, particularly in the Lower City, to demand immediate action. Emotions are running high, often pitting neighbour against neighbour. The City of Hamilton is working to find ways to manage this humanitarian crisis, but until the Provincial and Federal Governments join us in making affordable and supportive housing a priority, the task is simply bigger than the city alone can handle. ...

Read Maureen's full essay.

Sterling Street (King St to Forsyth Ave) is planned for capital works in 2024. The project includes resurfacing the asphalt roadway along with sidewalk and curb replacements, where identified/required.

With the upcoming capital project on Sterling Street, there are opportunities to incorporate various Complete Street elements, which include:

  • addition of buffers and barriers (pre-cast curbs and flex posts) between the motor vehicle lanes and the bicycle lanes
  • motor vehicle lane narrowing -improved pedestrian connections and crossings
  • Sterling Street and Dalwood Crescent raised intersection
  • reduced radii at intersecting streets, where possible
  • removal of on-street parking

The Ward 1 Councillor, in consultation with City of Hamilton staff, have arranged a public information centre to present the planned design and associated roadway and vulnerable road user improvements.


Review Materials

Visit Ward 1 Councillor Wilson’s website or hamilton.ca/cycling for additional information, including a presentation copy.

Join the Virtual PIC

A live virtual meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 4, 2023, from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM.

The project team will provide an overview of the project's planned design and be available to answer questions. The event will be held using Zoom, where individuals can participate online or by phone.

Pre-registration is required

Gender-Based Safety Audit

At the September 21st Emergency and Community Services meeting, Maureen moved a motion to have the City collaborate with the YWCA Hamilton on conducting a gender-based safety audit. The audit, which is funded through the federal government's Building Safer Communities Fund, seeks to understand women and gender-diverse persons’ key safety concerns in city spaces and to bring about improvements to the physical environments to remove hazards and improve feelings of safety along with any policy and/or operational recommendations and evidence-based actions to improve the service delivery and public infrastructure based on the audit findings. 

Read the full motion and review the YWCA presentation to the ECS committee.

Fake Homecoming in the University District

Hamilton Police Services have determined that unknown entities are promoting fake homecoming on September 30.  Fake homecoming events, sometimes referred to as FOCO, is a problem in most university towns. Last year, the City of Hamilton enacted By-law 22-235 to regulate nuisance parties.  

Under the authority of the By-law, Hamilton Police can issue an order for large social gatherings within our city to cease and disperse individuals not residing at a residence or property where a social gathering is taking place. If charged an individual host, property owner, or attendee can face a fine of up to $10,000 for a first offence. Subsequent offences related to a nuisance party could see up to $25, 000 in fines.

Municipal Law Enforcement, Hamilton Police Services, Public Works, McMaster University and McMaster Student Union are preparing a plan to mitigate any unsanctioned gathering that meets the threshold of the by-law which may occur onin the university district.  

See the City's website to learn more about the by-law and the university district safety initiative.

If you are experiencing extreme noise issues after hours in Ainslie Wood and Westdale, Thursday through Saturday, you can call the police non-emergency line 905-546-4925. Let the dispatcher know you are in Ainslie Wood or Westdale, and that the special duty officers (91/92) McMaster University employs should respond. 


  • Kirkendall "Fill a Fridge" event. September 30, 2023, 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM. Location: 115 Stanley Ave

    This year, the KNA will have a Fill the Fridge Day in support of Locke Street Community Fridge as a way to come together as a community this fall season. Bring a donation for the community fridge and stay to enjoy a cider and the famous KNA pumpkin spice cookie with your neighbours. Need ideas on what to donate? Visit the Locke Street Community Fridge section of the website.

  • Strathcona Community Day. Save the date: October 28, 2023 - More details to come from the host, Strathcona Community Council.

Ward 1 Infrastructure Updates

There are multiple projects taking place across the Ward. We have tried to encapsulate the information on a new web page.

Projects in every neighbourhood include park renewal and water chamber replacement. 

Greener Ward 1

Let's do our part in Ward 1 to create healthy, biodiverse neighbourhoods for all living things!

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Let's do our part in Ward 1 to create healthy, biodiverse neighbourhoods for all living things! Check out Greener Ward 1!

The City of Hamilton is situated upon the traditional territories of the Erie, Neutral, Huron-Wendat, Haudenosaunee and Mississaugas. This land is covered by the Dish With One Spoon Wampum Belt Covenant, which was an agreement between the Haudenosaunee and Anishinaabek to share and care for the resources around the Great Lakes. We further acknowledge that this land is covered by the Between the Lakes Purchase, 1792, between the Crown and the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation. 

Today, the City of Hamilton is home to many Indigenous people from across Turtle Island (North America), and we recognize that we must do more to learn about the rich history of this land so that we can better understand our roles as residents, neighbours, partners and caretakers. 

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