Ward 1 Councillor's Newsletter - 2024-10-18

This edition of the Ward 1 newsletter includes:
  • Outdoor Shelter - Steps to Managing Encampments
  • Kirkendall and Strathcona Complete Street Study - Public Consultation 2
  • Green Building Standards - Hamilton’s Climate Action Strategy
  • Ward 1 Senior Recognized
  • Queen Street Hill & Dundurn Stair Closures
  • City of Hamilton Named National Winner of World Wildlife Fund’s One Planet City Challenge 2024
  • Snow Angels Grant
  • Events
      • EK Home and School Association invites you to...FRIGHT NIGHT!
      • Sundays UNLOCKED. October 20, 2024, 10:00 AM-5:00 PM
      • Proposed Development Meeting - 925 Main St W & 150 Longwood Rd S


graphic of different shelter types tent to multi residential

Outdoor Shelter - Steps to Managing Encampments

In August, the Mayor directed (MDI-2-24-02) City staff to research and prepare options for Winter shelters to present to Council by the end of September 2024.  Following the staff's presentation to the General Information Committee meeting on September 18, the majority of City Council asked staff to move forward with an 80-bed outdoor shelter site at Barton-Tiffany and the addition of 192 temporary shelter beds as part of Hamilton’s continuing efforts to address a growing homelessness crisis.  The outdoor site will offer insulated units, wrap-around support services and onsite amenities, including toilets, showers, and laundry.  Professional staff and security services will be on-site 24 hours daily, seven days a week.  The site operator will be Good Shepherd.  The site will operate as a shelter.

Read the full update here

Kirkendall and Strathcona Complete Street Study - Public Consultation 2

In response to concerns from the residents of the Strathcona and Kirkendall Neighbourhoods, the City of Hamilton engaged Dillon Consulting Limited to create a Complete Streets Safety Report for Kirkendall Neighbourhoods. This initiative, to further progress made through Hamilton’s Strategic Road Safety Program and Vision Zero Action Plan, aims to develop tailored solutions to reduce traffic speeds, improve public spaces, and improve safety for all road users of all ages and abilities.

The study concentrates on residential and collector streets within the area bounded by Queen Street, Highway 403, the mountain escarpment, and the bay.

The consultants will present their findings and proposed traffic calming enhancements to each community. A brief overview will start the meeting, followed by one-to-one discussions about the preliminary report. 

October 21st at 7:00 PM in the Melrose Church Hall, 86 Homewood Ave. Enter from the Stanley Ave side of the building. Registration in advance is appreciated but not required. 

October 22nd at 7:00 PM in the Victoria Park FieldhouseRegistration in advance is appreciated but not required. 

Green Building Standards - Hamilton’s Climate Action Strategy

The evidence is clear and mounting. We are in a climate emergency. Cities, where most people live, play a crucial role in contributing to the crisis and are key to resiliency. Resiliency determinants are how cities are planned (sprawl vs smart growth), how people move, whether cities ignore water or value water, and whether your city is green or awash with grey asphalt. Choices must be made, and change must result for the sake of our children and their children.

The City of Hamilton aims to drastically cut carbon emissions and achieve net zero by 2050 or sooner.

Hamilton Council's endorsed green building standards are focused on five key pillars:

  • Innovating our Industry;
  • Transforming our Buildings;
  • Changing How We Move;
  • Revolutionizing Renewables; and,
  • Growing Green.

In this newsletter, I will briefly focus on item #2—Transforming our Buildings—and the very recent decision by Hamilton City Council to endorse Green Building Standards to guide new private development across the entire city.

Features include:

  • Energy efficiency standards to promote energy-efficient buildings that lower operating costs, reduce GHG emissions, and improve building resilience;
  • On-site greening with cost-effective renewable energy solutions to mitigate climate change and reduce the on-site carbon footprint;
  • Electric vehicles, bike charging infrastructure and accessible design to make walking and cycling safe and easy to reduce reliance on fuel and also reduce traffic congestion, noise pollution and the heavy strain on infrastructure;
  • Native species and tree planting in landscape design;
  • Bird-friendly measures to prevent fatal collisions of birds with buildings;
  • Stormwater Management to minimize the impact of polluted runoff flowing into water streams and to alleviate the strain that stormwater places on municipal infrastructure; and,

Construction and Operation waste reduction

The newly formed Climate Change Advisory Committee, which includes residents from across Hamilton, has been charged with further considering the building energy performance standards.
An implementation strategy for the Green Building Standards will be developed, along with incentives, with a report back from staff on these pieces in early 2025.

Ward 1 Senior Recognized

Marmie Wolfson - Winner of the Cathy Kohler Healthy and Active Living Award

For 50 years, Marmie has contributed many hours as a dedicated volunteer at Shalom Village in Hamilton, making her an integral part of the community. Her involvement spans a wide range of activities, all aimed at enhancing the well-being of the residents and program participants. As a lead in fundraising initiatives, Marmie's commitment is vital to the continued development and success of Shalom Village. Marmie is also the leader of the "Walkercise" program, a fitness class designed for residents who use walkers, emphasizing the importance of physical activity and wellness. She also volunteers with the Fitness Club, where she encourages residents to stay active and connected. 

In addition to her work in fitness and fundraising, Marmie has built many lasting friendships through her role as a volunteer visitor. She offers companionship, a listening ear, and heartfelt support to the residents, brightening their days and enriching their lives. Her decades-long dedication and compassion have left a lasting mark on the Shalom Village community.

Marmie was recognized for her extraordinary years of service during the annual Seniors of the Year Awards. Congratulations Marnie!

Queen Street Hill & Dundurn Stair Closures

  • The upbound lane will be closed for six weeks starting October 15th to reconstruct the retaining wall damaged in a car accident.
  • The Dundurn stairs will also be closed during this time.
  • The downbound lane will be closed the night of October 23rd from 11:59 AM to the following morning at 4:00 AM for vegetation management.  The rain date will be the next day if necessary. 

City of Hamilton Named National Winner of World Wildlife Fund’s One Planet City Challenge 2024

Hamilton has been selected as the national winner of WWF’s One Planet City Challenge  2024. This competition is one of the most significant and longest-running climate challenges for cities globally. This year, 359 cities from 48 countries participated, with 62 finalists chosen. In Canada, Hamilton, Vancouver, Peterborough, and Calgary reached the shortlist based on their reported climate data.

Since its inception in 2011, the international OPCC has highlighted leading examples of climate mitigation and adaptation from cities worldwide. This year’s jury noted Hamilton’s comprehensive Climate Action Strategy and its strong focus on collaboration and innovation.

Hamilton was evaluated against rigorous criteria, including ambitious climate targets, bold leadership, preparedness for upcoming challenges, and the alignment of its holistic climate action plan with city goals.

As the national winner, Hamilton can participate in WWF’s We Love Cities competition, which is open exclusively to OPCC finalists. The public is invited to vote, express their love for the city, and submit suggestions for further improving sustainability efforts. We Love Cities will run throughout October 2024, concluding on World Cities Day, October 31. The OPCC Global Winners will be announced in November 2024 during the UN World Urban Forum in Cairo, Egypt.

Climate Change Action Strategy        One Planet City Challenge         We Love Cities webpage – VOTE for Hamilton here!

Snow Angels Grant

The Snow Angels program assists Hamilton seniors and disabled residents with a financial subsidy to help them meet the City of Hamilton Sidewalk Snow Clearing By-law requirements.  The subsidy can be used to pay for snow removal to clear the sidewalk and provide safe walking access to the front door and through the snow plow windrow.  This subsidy is not to be used for whole driveway snow clearing.

Requirements for the grant and other supportive services are found on the City's special supports page.


  • EK Home and School Association invites you to...FRIGHT NIGHT! October 26, 2024 from 4:30 PM to 7:00 PM. Location: Earl Kitchener School, 300 Dundurn St S. Contact for more info: [email protected]

You are invited to Earl Kitchener’s Fright Night, your local school’s fundraising event of the year! For over 40 years, every October, Earl Kitchener is transformed into a Spooky Wonderland where you, your family and friends can dress in costumes and take part in all kinds of Halloween fun and games such as:

Take a walk through the Haunted House… If you dare! - Have a spooky snack at the Creepy Cafe - Have your Freaky Photo taken in your costume - Buy some sweet treats in the Witches’ Kitchen - Bid on fantastic gift baskets in the Silent Auction - Decorate your own Halloween cookies - Try your hand at one of the many Halloween Games! -

  • Sundays UNLOCKED. October 20, 2024, 10:00 AM-5:00 PM. Courtesy of the Locke Street Shoppes

Food, fun, music, and much more are available on a closed pedestrian, cyclist, scooter friendly street.

Greener Ward 1

Let's do our part in Ward 1 to create healthy, biodiverse neighbourhoods for all living things! Check out Greener Ward 1!

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The City of Hamilton is situated upon the traditional territories of the Erie, Neutral, Huron-Wendat, Haudenosaunee and Mississaugas. This land is covered by the Dish With One Spoon Wampum Belt Covenant, which was an agreement between the Haudenosaunee and Anishinaabek to share and care for the resources around the Great Lakes. We further acknowledge that this land is covered by the Between the Lakes Purchase, 1792, between the Crown and the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation. 

Today, the City of Hamilton is home to many Indigenous people from across Turtle Island (North America), and we recognize that we must do more to learn about the rich history of this land so that we can better understand our roles as residents, neighbours, partners and caretakers.