Sterling Street (King St to Forsyth Ave) is planned for capital works in 2024. The project includes resurfacing the asphalt roadway along with sidewalk and curb replacements, where identified/required.
With the upcoming capital project on Sterling Street, there are opportunities to incorporate various Complete Street elements, which include:
- addition of buffers and barriers (pre-cast curbs and flexposts) between the motor vehicle lanes and the bicycle lanes
- motor vehicle lane narrowing -improved pedestrian connections and crossings
- Sterling Street and Dalwood Crescent raised intersection
- reduced radii at intersecting streets, where possible
- removal of on-street parking
The Ward 1 Councillor, in consultation with City of Hamilton staff, have arranged a public information centre to present the planned design and associated roadway and vulnerable road user improvements.
Review Materials
Visit Ward 1 Councillor Wilson’s website or for additional information, including a copy of the presentation.
Join the Virtual PIC
A live virtual meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 4, 2023, from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM.
The project team will provide an overview of the project's planned design and be available to answer questions. The event will be held using Zoom, where individuals can participate online or by phone.
Pre-registration is required