In June, every Hamilton household will receive a survey from the City of Hamilton on the future of Hamilton’s urban boundary. The city is calculating how best to plan for 236,000 new residents to the year 2051. It is an important topic with significant financial, environmental, social and health impacts for existing and future residents. Hamiltonians will have until early July to submit their survey responses.
A Ward 1 public information meeting will be held to offer residents:
- information on this survey;
- the city of Hamilton’s urban boundary review process;
- the implications for rural and agricultural lands;
- the Government of Ontario’s directives; and
- the options on how to best accommodate more housing to meet population forecasts
Please join us on June 24, 2021, at 7:30 PM to discuss the future of Hamilton. This event is an online meeting. Registration is required.
Some background information.
GRIDS 2 and Municipal Comprehensive Review
What is GRIDS 2?
In 2006, City Council approved the first Growth Related Integrated Development Strategy (GRIDS). GRIDS was an integrated planning process that identified a broad land use structure, associated infrastructure, economic development strategy and financial implications for growth options to serve Hamilton for 30 years. GRIDS planned for growth up to 2031.
GRIDS needs to be updated to plan for the City’s population and job growth to 2051. This update is known as GRIDS 2.
The Province of Ontario provides population and employment growth forecasts for Hamilton through the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe.
Between the years 2021 and 2051, Hamilton is expected to grow by 236,000 people and 122,000 jobs.
GRIDS 2 will plan for how and where this additional population and employment growth can be accommodated and will determine the impact on the Infrastructure Master Plans (Water/Wastewater, Stormwater, Transportation).
What is the Municipal Comprehensive Review?
A municipal comprehensive review (MCR) is a requirement of the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe and the Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) at the time of the City’s 5-year Official Plan review. The MCR is the process by which the City brings its Official Plans into conformity with updated policies of the various Provincial plans which apply to Hamilton (PPS, Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, Niagara Escarpment Plan, Greenbelt Plan). The population and job forecasts of the Growth Plan to 2051 need to be planned for and accommodated through the MCR.
Many of the studies that are required as part of the MCR are also required as part of GRIDS 2. Therefore, the City has determined that it is appropriate to combine GRIDS 2 and the MCR into one integrated process, resulting in a transparent and straightforward process involving stakeholders and citizens.
The next phase of GRIDS 2/MCR will be the evaluation of where and when the City will grow to the year 2051. Staff have developed draft evaluation tools to guide the evaluation of growth options (“where the City will grow”) and the phasing of growth (“when the City will grow")
We want to hear from you about how you think Hamilton should accommodate this future population growth.
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