Concrete Poetry (2010) - Simon Frank


Concrete Poetry, 2010
Artist: Simon Frank
Original Installation Date: 2011
Recast & Installed: 2019
Location: Locke Street South, Hamilton
Medium: Bronze plaques embedded in a concrete sidewalk
City of Hamilton Public Art Gallery


  Approximate Location 
Title Plaque 178 Locke Street South
Begin here 180 Locke St S
Here 188 Locke St S
Here 190 Locke St S
each step 192 Locke St S
a green light 198/200 Locke St S
a deep breath 206 Locke St S
a thousand mile journey 212 Locke St S
the first step 214 Locke St S
connected to the next 216 Locke St S
connected to the 220 Locke St S
backbone 220 Locke St S
by a line 230 Locke St S
of thought 232 Locke St S
merge with the dust 236 Locke St S
follow your shadow 320 Charlton Ave W (North of the corner)
the world is not 320 Charlton Ave W (West of the corner) 
a machine 246 Locke St S
the mind moves 248 Locke St S
at three miles an hour 254 Locke St S
as slow as a turtle 260 Locke St S
(left turn arrow) Northwest corner of Locke & Herkimer
peripatetic poet 260 Herkimer St
my feet 260 Herkimer St
glued to the sidewalk 260 Herkimer St
and then unglued 307 Charlton Ave W (S/E corner)
my head 307 Charlton Ave W (S/E corner)
never separate 307 Charlton Ave W (S/E corner)
from my body 307 Charlton Ave W (S/E corner)
wandering 308 Charlton Ave W (N/E corner)
the way 308 Charlton Ave W (N/E corner)
the wind blows 237 Locke St S
wondering 235 Locke St S
who imagined this landscape 231 Locke St S
do I remember 229 Locke St S
when this place 225 Locke St S
was as blank 221/223 Locke St S
as a sheet 217 Locke St S
of paper 215
where do I come from 211
where am I now 205
where I am going 197
a map 35 Pine St (S/E corner)
of my own thoughts 35 Pine St (S/E corner)
move fast 175 (N/E corner)
like horses 175 (N/E corner)
around a track 175 (N/E corner)
past open field 171 Locke St S
where Cats used to play 169 Locke St S
or slow 165 Locke St S
like water that flows 153 Locke St S
from Escarpment rock 149 Locke St S
to invisible ponds 145 Locke St S
(2nd left turn arrow) 140 Locke St S
to walk the streets 140 Locke St S
of this city 140 Locke St S
is to love it 148/150 Locke St S
I read 158 Locke St S
speak 162 Locke St S
think 168 Locke St S
with my feet 174 Locke St S