2020-04-13 Ward 1 Newsletter

This edition of the Ward 1 newsletter includes:
  • Virtual Council meeting
  • Property tax assistance program
  • Physical distancing by-law
  • City of Hamilton COVID-19 Enforcement FAQ
  • FAQ - Where Can I Go?
  • City’s Coronavirus information resources
  • City’s media update
  • Virtual Weekly Town Halls
  • Business Supports
  • Kirkendall Food Drive 
  • St Matthew's House Seniors First Response Team

Virtual Council Meetings

As of April 8, 2020 City Council meetings have moved to an online format until such time as City building reopen. All other committee meetings are suspended for the time being. 

The next Council meeting is scheduled for April 15, 2020 at 9:30 AM and live video may be accessed via the City's meeting and agenda website or YouTube.com/InsideCityofHamilton


Property Tax Assistance Program

The Property Tax Assistance program outlines several financial measures to Hamilton property taxpayers and ratepayers dealing with the possible financial hardship caused by the current COVID-19 pandemic. These measures balance the need to provide immediate assistance, while still encouraging those that can make payments to do so, thus ensuring that the City is in a position to meet its financial obligations.

How do I cancel my existing pre-authorized payments?

The City requires written notice to cancel your pre-authorize payments a minimum of 7 business days prior to the next scheduled withdrawal. You are encouraged to complete and email the cancellation form (PDF, 78 KB) to [email protected].

If you are not able to complete the form, please send an email to [email protected] requesting the cancellation of your pre-authorized payments, ensuring you include your full name, property address, property roll number (as reflected on your latest tax bill) and details of when you would like the City to stop the pre-authorized withdrawals (for example, my last pre-authorized payment should be made on April 15th – do not make any further withdrawals after April 15th).

Taxpayers that do not have access to the internet or email, can mail a letter or send a fax (905-546‐2449) requesting the cancellation of your pre-authorized payments, ensuring you include all the same pertinent information. If mailing the cancellation request, please ensure you provide adequate time, as the City needs to be in receipt of the request a minimum of 7 business days prior to the next scheduled withdrawal.

As an exception, for taxpayers not able to cancel their pre-authorized payments via any of the methods identified above, the City will temporarily accept verbal requests to cancel their pre-authorized payments by calling 905-546-CITY (2489).

Payment of property taxes via pre-authorized payments:

Pre-authorized payment plans: The City of Hamilton offers five pre-authorized debit payment plan options. There are no administration fees or extra charges for taxpayers to join any of these plans. Complete the Pre-authorized Plan Application form (PDF, 16.7 KB) and along with a void cheque, fax to 905-546-2449, submit by mail or scan and email to [email protected]  

  • 12-Month Plan – on the 1st of the month, January to December inclusive
  • 12-Month Plan – on the 15th of the month, January to December inclusive
  • 10-Month Plan – on the 1st of the month, February to November inclusive
  • Instalment Plan – on the instalment due dates
  • 12-Month Arrears Plan – on the last working day of the month, January to December inclusive

Contact information for Taxation-related inquiries:

Phone:     905-546-CITY (2489)
E-mail:     [email protected]
Website:   www.hamilton.ca/tax
Fax:         905-546-2449
Mail:        City of Hamilton, Taxation Section
               71 Main St W, PO Box 2040 STN LCD 1
               Hamilton, ON  L8N 0A3


By-law to promote and regulate physical distancing during the COVID-19 emergency

The Medical Officer of Health has recommended physical distancing measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19, including maintaining a distance of at least two metres from other individuals who are not members of the same household. Since the Province of Ontario declared a state of emergency on March 17, 2020, the province granted power to municipal law enforcement officers to enforce Orders issued by the Province under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act.

To protect the health, safety and well-being of residents and visitors to the City of Hamilton, today, Hamilton City Council has enacted a new Physical Distancing by-law to prohibit certain activities and regulate physical distancing during the COVID-19 Emergency. City of Hamilton By-law Officers are using a progressive enforcement approach to help residents understand the requirements of this order. However, the fine for individuals is $500 and this may increase to $10,000 for a serious offence and up to $25,000 for repeat offences. Corporations may receive a fine of up to $50,000 for a first serious offence and up to $100,000 for repeat offences.

April 8, 2020 Council Meeting Notice of Motion: By-law to promote and regulate physical distancing during the COVID-19 emergency

City of Hamilton COVID-19 Enforcement FAQ
FAQ - Where Can I Go?
City of Hamilton Coronavirus Information Site
  • Public Health COVID-19 contact details: Hotline: 905-974-9848  Email: [email protected]
  • Status of cases
  • Assessment Centres
  • Take a self-assessment
  • City operations & service Information
  • Financial support & recovery 
  • Additional questions and answers
City of Hamilton COVID-19  Media Updates
  • April 13 - Government related supports/updates, enforcement of physical distancing, supporting vulnerable residents, PPE, transit/DARTS, parks & golf courses
  • April 10 - Testing expanding in Hamilton
  • April 9 - Property Tax assistance, Parks, supporting vulnerable residents, PPE, donation bins, holiday weekend shutdowns)
  • April 8 - City provides immediate economic relief to taxpayers and enacts new by-law to promote and regulate physical distancing during the COVID-19 emergency
  • April 8 - Other Government announcements, Holiday weekend reminder, Virtual town hall, Transit reminders, "Rec at Home", Virtual Council meetings, Parks & amenities, Open-air burning, Yard waste reminder
  • April 6 - Gatherings for Easter, Passover and other faith-based holidays
  • April 6 - Hamilton Public Health declares Healthcare Worker Outbreak at St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton
  • More ...

Press conference videos

Weekly Virtual Townhalls

Every Wednesday evening at 7:00 PM

Streamed live on YouTube and Cable 14:

Submit Questions:

  1. Tag @cityofhamilton on Twitter
  2. www.hamilton.ca/askcovidquestions


  • Mayor Fred Eisenberger
  • Office of the Medical Officer of Health
  • Paul Johnson, Director, City of Hamilton's Emergency Operations Centre

Moderator: Mike Fortune

Business Supports

City initiatives focus on economic recovery for Hamilton’s business community

City Council has directed staff to review opportunities for relief from some municipal taxes and fees, and staff will be reporting back to Council with options in early April. See more information here.

COVID-19 Business Continuity & Recovery Information

The City of Hamilton in partnership with Hamilton Economic Development, the Hamilton Chamber of Commerce, and the Flamborough and Stoney Creek Chambers of Commerce are closely monitoring and assessing new developments pertaining to COVID-19, as well as its impacts on Hamilton business. They have launched a shared website to assist businesses to stay on top on information as it is released from various levels of government.

The Kirkendall Neighbourhood Association's FILL A BUS, FEED A FAMILY FOOD DRIVE has been postponed until Saturday, October 3rd.

Food collection bags will be distributed September 25-30 and MIP will still be our event location.

In the meantime, if you can support Mission Services please donate online at SUPPORT MS TODAY! or by calling 905-528-4211 ext. 3113.

The KNA summer food drive is still scheduled for Saturday, July 11th. Stay tuned for more details!

For information concerning the food drive and volunteer opportunities please visit KNA Fill a Bus, Feed a Family Food Drive Saturday, October 3rd

Stay Safe Kirkendall!

St Matthew's House Seniors First Response Team

St. Matthew’s House is reaching out to vulnerable, isolated older adults and seniors 55+ experiencing hunger, homelessness and income insecurity during this time of crisis. The Seniors First Response Team has been working across the lower city helping many seniors including those who may be experiencing homelessness and live outside in temporary shelter. 

If you know of someone 55+ needing help, please call 905-523-5546 x 240 and St Matthew's will arrange for delivery or support to where the person is currently living or staying. St Matthew's is committed to ensuring that older adults who had been experiencing housing, food and income insecurity remain safely supported during this time of crisis.

If you or someone you know wishes to make a donation, please go to www.stmatthewshouse.ca or call Shani Doherty at 905-523-5546 x 230. Here is a shortlist of items that we will be distributing:

• Grocery items such as water, juices, fresh veggies/fruit, milk, coffee, tea, protein shakes (Ensure/Boost)
• Toilet paper, incontinence supplies, hygiene products
• Collapsible water jugs, biodegradable food grills for outside cooking
• Battery banks for charging phones, kitchen items such as pots, can openers, sleeping bags and tents

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