This edition of the Ward 1 newsletter includes:
- COVID-19 testing criteria have changed
- Temporary bi-weekly leaf and yard waste collection beginning April 27 for Ward 1
- City of Hamilton COVID-19 City Updates and Resources
- Business supports- New survey for businesses
- Virtual Council meetings
- Locke Street reconstruction update - Minor work
- Annual Rain barrel sale (online only)
COVID-19 testing criteria have changed
If you have COVID-19 symptoms, such as cough, fever, shortness of breath, sore throat, change in taste/smell, and others, check to see if you should be tested:
As announced last week, the provincial criteria for COVID-19 testing now includes symptomatic individuals from vulnerable populations, including symptomatic healthcare workers, first responders, children attending essential daycare and more. The Province continually updates these criteria so please look for an updated list at
Increased COVID-19 testing is an important initiative to help in the management of the disease in our community. It is important to note; testing does not lead to treatment. Everyone is encouraged to continue following public health recommendations around physical distancing, frequent handwashing and covering your cough or sneeze with your sleeve or a tissue.
To access your COVID-19 test results, please visit the provincial online portal at It may take up to seven days for your results to be provided.
There have been 2,850 visits to Hamilton's two COVID-19 Assessment Centres, and 2,270 tests completed since opening on March 16, 2020.
Temporary bi-weekly leaf and yard waste collection starts in Ward 1 as of Monday, April 27, 2020
The City will collect leaf and yard waste bi-weekly, in alternating parts of the city - beginning the week of April 27, yard waste will be collected from homes in Ward 1.
The bi-weekly rotation will continue until late June, or longer if required.
Residents should ensure their leaf and yard waste is at the curb by 7 AM on Monday during the week of their pick up. City crews will pick up the bags or containers by the weekend.
This program change will help the City to manage reduced staffing levels resulting from the COVID-19 emergency. Please by Residents are asked to please be patient with crews as we work to ensure leaf and yard waste collection can continue.
The City is continuing to pursue options for more waste collections staff, including training staff from other divisions.
There is no change to the collection of garbage, recycling, green cart or bulk pick up.
Property Tax Assistance Program
The Property Tax Assistance program outlines several financial measures to Hamilton property taxpayers and ratepayers dealing with the possible financial hardship caused by the current COVID-19 pandemic. These measures balance the need to provide immediate assistance, while still encouraging those that can make payments to do so, thus ensuring that the City is in a position to meet its financial obligations.
City of Hamilton COVID-19 Enforcement FAQ
FAQ - Where Can I Go?
City of Hamilton Coronavirus Information Site
City of Hamilton COVID-19 Media Updates
- April 17 - City declares state of emergency, other government-related supports/updates, staffing impacts due to COVID-19, temporary leaf and yard collection program, enforcement of physical distancing, funding for social service providers and community organizations, PPE donations, transit reminders
- April 17 - Statement by Mayor Fred Eisenberger on Declaration of Emergency for the City of Hamilton
- April 16 - Drive-through COVID-19 Testing Centre to Open
- April 15 - Proactive Assessments in Congregate Living Settings Results in 31 Orders to Residential Care Facilities
- April 13 - Government related supports/updates, enforcement of physical distancing, supporting vulnerable residents, PPE, transit/DARTS, parks & golf courses
- More ...
Press conference videos
Business Supports
City and partners launch a digital survey to assess the COVID-19 pandemic's effect on the local business community.
- Take the survey by visiting:
- City initiatives focus on economic recovery for Hamilton's business community
- COVID-19 Business Continuity & Recovery Information
Weekly Virtual Townhalls
Every Wednesday at 7:00 PM
Streamed live on YouTube, Cable 14 & 900 CHML:
Submit Questions:
- Tag @cityofhamilton on Twitter
Virtual Council Meetings
The next virtual Council meeting is April 22, 2020, at 9:30 AM. The live video is accessible via the City's meeting and agenda website or
Locke Street Reconstruction Update 14 - Minor Work
During our last episode, Sr, Project Manager, Dennis Persusin mentioned contractors would be back in the Spring to complete a bit of finishing work and touch-ups where needed. Locke Street will remain entirely on during this time.
Annual Rain Barrel Sale - Online Only
The City of Hamilton has taken precautionary measures and will be moving the Annual Rain Barrel Sale ONLINE. Barrels can be purchased and delivered to your home
Follow along with Ward 1 for timely updates via
- Email: [email protected]
- Tel: 905-546-2416