- Aberdeen Road Diet
- Flooding in Ward 1
- Westdale South Construction Update (video)
- Queen St Conversion Update
- Sidewalk Snow Clearing Survey
- City of Hamilton COVID-19 Media Updates
- Hamilton Reopens: A Roadmap to our New Reality" COVID-19 Recovery Plan
- New Physical Distancing By-law in effect starting August 13, 2020
- Restarting Enforcement of On-street and Overnight Parking By-law
- Guidance for Businesses and Workplaces
With the two-way conversion of Queen Street South underway, and widely-supported, long-delayed traffic calming coming to Aberdeen Avenue, a group calling itself “Keep Aberdeen Moving” has formed to campaign against these measures. The group has raised concerns about negative impacts from the traffic calming, a compromise plan that turns Aberdeen’s curb lanes into curbside parking to slow traffic and protect the sidewalks while providing more local parking.
I believe we all share the goal of a safer, more inclusive community for everyone and I welcome this group engaging on this important issue. Their fears are understandable and I appreciate the opportunity to respond to their concerns so we can make our policy choices based on the best evidence.
Maureen will host an online forum on September 1, 2020, at 8 PM.
Edward Soldo, Director of Traffic Operations and Maintenance as well as members of Director Soldo's staff will join Maureen to discuss the planned changes to Aberdeen.
Online Q&A, upvoting most relevant questions will
There is a maximum capacity. Registration is required. The event will also be live-streamed on Maureen's YouTube Channel
Flooding In Ward 1
Residential Municipal Disaster Relief Assistance Program:
For residents of Ward 1 whose property experienced flooding or a sewer back-up as a result of the rainstorm event on August 3rd/4th, 2020. The City of Hamilton has enacted a Residential Municipal Disaster Relief Assistance Program for the victims of basement flooding.
You may be eligible for a compassionate grant of up to $1,000 under the City of Hamilton Residential Disaster Relief Assistance Program for Basement Flooding.
Please contact the program hotline at 1–866-596-2242 to request a grant application.
Protective Plumbing Program:
If you do not have a backwater valve installed, this may be a good time to consider installing one. The City offers guidance and financial assistance to property owners who want to protect their home from sewer back-ups with the installation of a backwater valve through the Protective Plumbing Program.
A backwater valve is a device that allows wastewater to flow in one direction only, from your home to the city sewer. In the event of a sewer back-up, the backwater valve closes, which will help to prevent wastewater backing up into your home.
Under the program, eligible homeowners can have an assessment completed to determine if this is an appropriate solution for their home, have the backwater valve installed and any downspouts disconnected. When completed by one of the City’s pre-qualified contractors, the cost is covered by the program.
To take part in the Protective Plumbing Program, please call 905-546-2489 and speak with a Customer Service Representative to review your eligibility and to obtain a confirmation number. For more information, please visit our website:
Westdale South Construction Update (video)
Hear directly from Project Manager, Jeff Rowen exactly what is happening on Haddon N, and surrounding streets.
Queen St Conversion
Since converting Queen St north of Charlton Ave W, City staff have monitored the public’s use and have noted some issues related to parking and vehicles not adhering to the new configuration. Staff have made a few adjustments to address these challenges and will continue to monitor the project work on a daily basis.
On the same day that Queen St converted to two-way, the intersection of Herkimer and Queen was closed to begin reconstruction. As of August 17, the project manager reported that construction activities at this location are proceeding expeditiously. Based on progress to date, the construction schedule has been revised and continues to be shortened. Crews are making a push and have set a stretch goal of completing the works at Herkimer the week of August 31st. This would permit the two-way conversion of Queen St between Main and Aberdeen to be finished prior to school starting. The project manager believes this goal to be achievable, barring the unexpected. Regardless, if this date is missed then we would be looking to complete work the following week, September 7th.
For those residents between Charlton and Homewood, Queen and Kent. The number of careless drivers ignoring the bold detour signs and purposely making aggressive driving decisions is recognised.
An enforcement officer from the Hamilton Police Services evaluated the area and noted that there is no police enforcement solution to this. The officer noted that one of the aggravating factors is that the Claremount access southbound happens to be closed as well; drivers are tempted to take Queen, only to find out too late that they are then mired in residential streets because of the construction. There is no inherent pro-active offence to enforce in any of this other than to deal with spontaneous incidents as they occur.
Maureen has read the incoming emails from residents, met with residents on the street, and has spoken to others by phone. She is in regular communication with traffic operations adjusting plans to find solutions to impatient confused motorists. Additional detour arrows, barrels blocking access, and signage indicating local access only have been added. In addition, signs have also been placed at alley entrances.
It is sad and frustrating that those passing through are not treating our neighbourhood streets the way they expect their streets to be treated. Thank you for your patience, suggestions, and words of concern for your fellow neighbours.
Learn more about the Queen St conversion at
Sidewalk Snow Clearing Survey
This month, the City of Hamilton is launching its online Sidewalk Snow Clearing Survey to help measure and better understand the needs and wishes of residents related to sidewalk snow clearing during the winter months.
The Engage Hamilton Sidewalk Snow Clearing project comes in response to a motion approved by Council in February 2020 that directed staff to explore the challenges and benefits associated with universal sidewalk snow removal across Hamilton. Due to the restrictions of in-person consultation as a result of COVID-19, the City postponed the Sidewalk Snow Clearing Engagement Project until it could launch here, in lieu of in-person consultation.
The City is looking for resident feedback regarding the impacts to inclusivity, accessibility and the financial implications of increasing service levels.
Until September 11, 2020 the City of Hamilton is looking for resident and advisory group input into the proposed service level changes being considered. Recommendations from residents will be presented to Council and next steps will be determined in fall 2020.
For more information visit
City of Hamilton COVID-19 Media Updates
Hamilton Reopens: A Roadmap to our New Reality" COVID-19 Recovery Plan
New Physical Distancing By-law in effect starting August 13, 2020
With the need to continue practising physical distancing to protect residents from the ongoing risk of COVID-19, the City of Hamilton is implementing a new Physical Distancing By-law (17-225) effective August 13, 2020. The new by-law ensures that not only business owners ensure compliance with the regulation per the provincial legislation, but that individuals attending an establishment or spending time out in the community also take personal responsibility for compliance.
Municipal Law Enforcement officers will continue to use progressive enforcement of this new by-law, seeking voluntary compliance first with all regulations and by-laws before issuing fines.
Under the new by-law, the fine for individuals who fail to maintain a distance of at least two (2) meters from another person who are not members of the same household or who are not members of the same social circle is $500. Individuals found obstructing an Officer of Authorized staff will also face a fine of $500.
Unlike the previous by-law, this one will not have a termination date, but rather can be repealed by Council when it is deemed no longer necessary to practice physical distancing in Hamilton.
Restarting Enforcement of On-street and Overnight Parking By-law
Starting Monday, August 17, 2020 Parking Enforcement staff will begin re-enforcing the 12-hour on street and overnight parking by-law. The City had relaxed its enforcement of the by-law the last few months with many residents working from home. With the City’s move into Stage 3 of the provincial reopening plan a couple of weeks ago, and many residents returning to work, enforcement of the by-law will restart next week. Parking staff will continue to use discretion and take an educational approach with residents in the first few weeks of re-enforcement.
Guidance for Businesses and Workplaces
As more businesses and workplaces continue to reopen, the provincial government and the City of Hamilton have released guidelines for businesses and workplaces to reopen safely. The Workplaces and Public Places webpage includes guidance documents, posters and signage
COVID-19 City of Hamilton Resources
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