This edition of the Ward 1 newsletter includes:
- Encampments and Institutional Responsibility: A Letter to Ward 1 Residents
- Victoria Park Survey Open until December 10 - Spray Pad and Sun Shelter 2 Design Concept
- HAAA Renewal Plan - Final Design Concept
- McMaster University Hosted Community Meeting: Unsanctioned "Fake Homecoming" event
- Call for Artists: Locke Street Marker Public Art Project
- Mother Goose Winter Market Fundraiser
- In case you missed it
- Events
Encampments and Institutional Responsibility: A Letter to Ward 1 Residents
In a previous letter to Ward 1 residents, I set out my position on the City's abrupt decision to end the encampment protocol. The protocol was an agreement arrived at by the City of Hamilton and various health, housing and justice agencies to guide the municipality's response to encampments. It was a housing-first approach. It set a time limit of fourteen days for tents to be in a City park and placed a cap on the number of tents permitted in any one place. It assessed the mental acuity of encamped persons. It also prohibited encampments in certain places such as near schools. I regret that City staff were not able to meet with their protocol partners to negotiate any amendments considered necessary before being instructed to terminate the agreement. As a result of Council's decision, the Hamilton Police Service has been formally inserted into the City's response to homelessness.
Victoria Park Survey Open until December 10 - Spray Pad and Sun Shelter 2 Design Concept
View the two design concepts presented to residents, review the presentation, and then tell us what you think?
In February 2021 presentation to Strathcona residents, City staff explained that Victoria Park's existing spray pad is nearing the end of its life cycle and must be replaced. In addition, staff noted that the park currently lacks a sun shelter, which had been identified in the original Victoria Park Master Plan.
On November 23, City staff presented two concepts for the forthcoming spray pad and sun shelter. Following the presentation, an online survey was launched. The survey will remain open until December 9, 2021, for residents to provide their feedback on the proposed concepts.
View the video, review the presentation and take the survey here
HAAA Renewal Plan - Final Design Concept
The City of Hamilton's Landscape Architectural Services (LAS) section launched a park Renewal Plan for the HAAA Grounds in February 2021. To date, the project team, along with the Ward 1 office, have hosted two virtual Public Information Centres (PIC) events where (2) two renewal plan concepts were presented to the community.
Since our Public Information Centre No. 2 event in June 2021, the project team has reviewed community feedback and refined those two concepts into a single. In November, the final Renewal Plan was presented at two online public information meetings.
View the final design concepts presented to residents, review the presentation here
McMaster University Hosted Community Meeting: Unsanctioned "Fake Homecoming" event
December 7, 2021, at 7:00 PM, Registration required
David Farrar, President of McMaster University along with several other University leaders and key representatives from the City of Hamilton will be joining this meeting to discuss the impacts of the event, answer questions from residents, and discuss next steps.
The Public Meeting will be hosted via Zoom. Please note that participants will need to register in order to receive a Zoom link for the meeting.
If you cannot attend, or you would like to share any questions or comments in advance of the meeting, please use the registration link above to submit a comment.
Call for Artists: Locke Street Marker Public Art Project
The City of Hamilton is seeking professional Artists or Artist-Led Teams to create a permanent Public Art work(s) to be sited on Locke Street at the SW Corner of Jackson Street in Hamilton.
A citizen Jury will select artists through a two-stage process involving a concept and design proposal, followed by public consultation on up to 6 selected Artists detailed proposals.
Award: $70,000
Short-listed Artists completing a Stage 2 submission will receive a $700 honorarium.
Submission Deadline: January 13, 2022, at 3:00 PM (Hamilton time)
Artist Information Meeting: December 9, 2021, 7:00 PM Via Video Conference
Artists are invited to view a presentation on the adjudication process and submission requirements. This is not a mandatory meeting.
Please RSVP to [email protected] on or before December 8, 2021, for virtual meeting details.
Visit the Locke Street Marker Public Art Project Webpage to view the Call for Artists and the Focus Group Report.
Mother Goose Winter Market Fundraiser
The Mother Goose Winter Market is open! Click on the link to order your winter swag! It's not hard to find something for everyone!
The pick-up date will be December 11. Come by to grab your preorder, check out some live music and find some additional treasures that are only available the day of the event (extra limited quantity!)
In case you missed it.
- City of Hamilton Ward 5 Selection Process & Outcome
The purpose of this post is to account for my vote this past Friday, November 12, 2021, at a special meeting of Hamilton City Council to fill the ward 5 seat left vacant with the election of Chad Collins as a federal Liberal MP for Hamilton East- Stoney Creek. Mr Collins served as ward 5 Hamilton City Councillor for 26 years (1995-2021).
A majority of Hamilton City Councillors determined to fill this vacancy by an appointment process, which is allowed under Ontario's Municipal Act. I did not vote in favour of this process. I believed that a by-election was more appropriate to ensure that the residents of ward 5 could exercise their preference rather than Council.
- Truck Route Master Plan
The TRMP did not proceed during the November 29, 2021 committee meeting. Maureen co-lead a motion that saw the proposed plan sent back to staff for a second review with greater priority given to the Terms of Reference; specifically referencing that the City's vision statement and Vision Zero action plan guide the objectives and principles of the new truck route master plan.
- Menstrual products available at Hamilton Food Share locations citywide
- Hamilton 175 launches new digital storytelling website
Nominations now open for the 2022 Hamilton Arts Awards
Winter Walks and Wonderful Windows
Three neighbourhoods, multiple locations, and the magic of imagination
- Kirkendall Winter Windows, December 1-31, 2021, new location each day
Main page - Found in Facebook Kirkendall Hub
- Strathcona Living Advent Calendar, December 1-24, 2021, new location each day
Main page - Found in Facebook Strathcona Hub
- Westdale Living Advent Calendar, December 1-24, 2021, new location each day
Main page - Facebook event
Hold the Date
- Alexander Skateboard Park - Design concepts review, January 13, 2022 at 7:00 PM. Registration required
- New Year Q&A with Councillor Wilson, January 20, 2022 at 7:00 PM. Registration required
New year - new questions or maybe old questions you have yet to ask.
Ward 1 residents, please join Maureen on January 20, 2022, to talk about issues or ideas relevant to our neighbourhoods and City. Ask your question in real-time or submit one in advance for Maureen to address during the session.
Signup for the Ward 1 Newsletter email
Follow along for timely Ward 1 Updates via
- Email: [email protected]
- Tel: 905-546-2416
The City of Hamilton is situated upon the traditional territories of the Erie, Neutral, Huron-Wendat, Haudenosaunee and Mississaugas. This land is covered by the Dish With One Spoon Wampum Belt Covenant, which was an agreement between the Haudenosaunee and Anishinaabek to share and care for the resources around the Great Lakes. We further acknowledge that this land is covered by the Between the Lakes Purchase, 1792, between the Crown and the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation.
Today, the City of Hamilton is home to many Indigenous people from across Turtle Island (North America), and we recognise that we must do more to learn about the rich history of this land so that we can better understand our roles as residents, neighbours, partners and caretakers.